I don't understand not really but it's you opinion and I respect this ...
... also in other destination you have the virus. Really bullshit :)
I think this "the Austrian government administrated mandatory vaccination for its citizens" is also a old informationen ;-)
Have fun and I really enjoy now good coffee in the the train to Carinthia for snowboarding.
Sorry for my bad English
Stay safe and healthy
I think you misunderstood me as I wasn't talking about the virus. If nothing, the virus doesn't recognize and even less care about some administrative border lines drawn by politicians.
I was talking about the mandatory vaccination which I find as some sort of dictatorship imposed over the whole nation (and not to mention that Austria was the only EU country that did it).
Anyhow, you were right when you said it's already old information, although only 2 days old as on Wednesday they suspended mandatory covid vaccination. So, that's good news! 😀
However, I wish you enjoy your snowboarding in Carinthia and have lots of fun! 😉😀
Yes and this information is old! So my girlfriend has a lot of problems with the virus. Don't tell me that vaccinations didn't help or have you never been ...
But anyway just get the newest information. I understood what you are writing ;-)
And if you look at this numbers: https://www.google.com/search?q=corona+zahlen+%C3%B6sterreich&rlz=1C5CHFA_enDE904DE904&oq=coronazahlen+&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j35i39j0i10i433i512j0i10i512j0i10i457i512j0i402j0i10i512j0i10i433i512j0i10i512j0i10i131i433i512.5246j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
More than ever in Austria! If you are traveling to Vienna or actually Austria it's your opinion ;-) I don't care but check the latest news ;-)
So stay safe and enjoy life
lol - We can't really call the news from two days ago old information as it's ancient old when it's just recent news. 😄 But OK, it's news that put previous regulations out of force.
I'm genuinely sorry to hear that your girlfriend has lots of problems with the virus or its after-infection side effects, and I hope she will get the proper treatment and get well soon.
Regarding the vaccine itself, and how good or bad, effective or not it is, only time will tell. The regulated time frame for testing every new drug or vaccine before putting it on the market is not set that long for anything, as some side effects may show up right away, some later on (in a couple of weeks or months) while others may take years.
What we know for now, according to current official data, is that this vaccine killed more people than all the available vaccines out there in the last 30 years. Was it worth comparing to how many people it saved, as I said, time will tell?!
Apart from that, and knowing that two patients with the same disease (diabetes, cancer, heart issues, AIDS, or whatsoever) very often are not treated with precisely the same drug or even treatment, as each patient is a specific and individual human organism starting from a differently developed immune system on, it's kinda insane to think that for one disease/virus, over a sudden, we have just one type of drug/vaccine that would heal and protect the whole world population equally.
Regarding those big numbers of newly infected, yeah - unfortunately, that's the case now in all the countries where the vaccination rate is high. In contrast, the countries that couldn't afford to buy a larger amount of the vaccine, like Benin, Cameroon, Nigeria, etc., now have zero or a very low number of newly infected.
However, I was not talking about the vaccine or new infectious rates.
I talked about the regulations that prohibited people from choosing how they would be treated and/or protected.
Meaning, if there is no such regulation for people infected with HIV, AIDS, or even MRSA (quite an ugly and deadly bacteria, although unfortunately almost regular habitat of the hospitals), why should it be for this virus?!
After all, choosing the physician and the treatment is always a very intimate private decision of every man or woman, and certainly not the government or anyone else's business.
And on top of all of that, I certainly didn't want to start some pro-vax or anti-vax debate here, especially not around one cup of coffee (what's the topic of my post). So, I'll stop with that, as I either don't have the intention to continue in that direction. There are way better and brighter topics we can talk about.
Therefore, I wish you to continue enjoying your snowboarding in Carinthia, good coffee, and all the other beautiful things life would bring your way! 😉🙂