Thetford Porta Potti 565: The Luxury Choice for Portable Camping Toilets

in #waivio10 months ago

Thetford Porta Potti 365 Portable Toilet (for RV, Marine, Camping, Vans, Trucks, Healthcare) 92820, White

By: Snowys Outdoors

The Thetford Porta Potti 565 is the epitome of luxury when it comes to portable camping toilets. There are two models available in this series, the 565E and 565P. The main difference is the flushing system; the 565E boasts an electric pump, which is operated by a button, while the 565P features a piston pump. The features are otherwise similar; it has a 15-litre flush water rinse tank on top and a 21-litre waste water tank at the bottom, and also includes a nifty toilet roll holder on the side for complete convenience. Its modern design combined with a taller seat height makes it a premium choice for outdoor enthusiasts looking for a fantastic balance of comfort and practicality.

The Thetford Porta Potti 565 is equipped with a wastewater level indicator letting you know when it's time to empty, and the process of emptying the tank is simple and straightforward. The camp toilet also comes with a range of accessories, including a special cap for sealing the spout on the waste water tank and a funnel for filling the rinse water tank. In addition, the toilet is pretty lightweight making it perfect for easy transportation. There are also optional transport bags available, offering an even more convenient transport and storage solution for the toilet. This luxurious portable toilet might just be your best partner for your next camping trip if you appreciate a bit of home comfort on the go.

#Portable #ThetfordPortaPotti565 #CampingToilet #Luxury #Convenience