Reviewing the Nesco Deluxe Vacuum Sealer: A Game-Changer for Food Storage

in #waiviolast year

ODSD Mini Bag Sealer

By: America's Test Kitchen

In this video review, the host shares an alternative method for food storage, highlighting the efficiency of the Nesco Deluxe Vacuum Sealer as a superior option. The host explains that the vacuum sealer operates by placing food in specially designed bags, which are then inserted into the machine's chamber. The air is removed from the bag through a port, and the heat bar seals the plastic, ensuring a tight and secure seal. The vacuum sealer was tested with various food items, including strawberries, ground coffee, beef, chicken, steaks, lasagna, cereal, pretzels, and butternut squash. It excelled in performance, preserving the quality of the food over months of storage, both in the pantry and freezer.

The review emphasizes the importance of user-friendliness, with the ideal vacuum sealer having simple controls, an easy-to-open-and-shut lid, and the option for automatic or manual modes. The Nesco Deluxe Vacuum Sealer, priced at around $90, stood out as the top choice due to its exceptional performance, ease of use, and compact design. It received high praise for its ability to prevent freezer burn and its convenience for everyday use. The review concludes by encouraging viewers to consider the Nesco Deluxe Vacuum Sealer as an excellent investment for those who frequently store food in the freezer.

Overall, the video review highlights the effectiveness and convenience of the Nesco Deluxe Vacuum Sealer, providing viewers with valuable insights and a strong recommendation for this kitchen gadget.

#review #kitchen #freezer