Review: Camping Checklist, Camping Mini Heater Warming Stove Cover Tent Heating Cover by AdvancedShop

in #waiviolast year

Camping Checklist
Camping Mini Heater Warming Stove Cover Tent Heating Cover by AdvancedShop

Adam reviews Camping Mini Heater Warming Stove Cover Tent Heating Cover in the form of a cylinder with a total weight of 354 grams. In the cylinder section, there are two holes, the first is a hole to transfer heat from the heater to the environment, while the other part is a hole that can in use for cooking because the top hole is very hot.

for use outside the room it is not recommended to use a stove that is directly connected to a gas cylinder because the temperature reaches 360 degrees, it is very dangerous to use the stove. but it is recommended to use a stove that uses an adapter hose.

from this review Camping Mini Heater Warming Stove Cover Tent Heating Cover is suitable for heating the room or the surrounding environment with a capacity of two people but if many people don't feel enough warmth, other than that Camping Mini Heater Warming Stove Cover Tent Heating Cover can be used for cooking on so that it has two functions besides heating the surrounding environment it can also be used for cooking at the same time.

Posted by Waivio guest: @waivio_luare