Snow... no snow... snow... no snow

in #walking3 months ago

Minnesota is a crazy place. We are known for our long winters and beautiful summers. The seasons in between can be absolutely lovely or they might be some amalgamation of the season before and the season they are meant to be.

Last year we had many more snowstorms than normal and it took months for it all to melt away in the spring. This winter we had no snow until a week ago when 6 inches of fluff fell in about 12 hours.

Today (though I'm recovering from Covid), my husband and I went out walking at our favorite local park where walkers, cyclists and nature enthusiasts traverse the trails. I was so amazed that some areas still have a lot of snow, and others are bare. I think it all depends on the angle of the sun and whether the area is exposed or protected by trees.

All of these pictures were taken in this one hiking area, in the space of about 45 minutes.





Shocking, isn't it? How can some of these paths be completely covered by ice and snow, while other areas are bare and brown? But that is how it goes. The in-between seasons are always strange.

You can do a double-take just walking out your front door. One day, it will feel like spring is coming and the next you'll have a blizzard. I do have to say, I love the varied seasons. We have a gorgeous autumn, a beautiful spring and an amazing but short-lived summer. Winter is the bear. The smart people, and those with the resources and the flexible lifestyles, leave for at least a few weeks or even months every winter to get someplace tropical.






As you can see, we had to do some careful stepping on some of the paths which were covered with either ice or mud, depending.

All through the park, there were people walking dogs (many looking quite muddy), and people walking, jogging, and bicycling! Like us, everyone was navigating mud and ice in certain areas.





So... I haven't been around on the platform much over the last year. I'll explain in a post soon. I just had to break the ice and get a post up after way too long. This is me getting back on the horse!

Oh! And I've updated my footer, because I have a book of short stories coming out. Fun times!

My bio: I am a fiction writer and photographer based in Minnesota. I have had a lifelong love of fiction writing. I earned my MFA in writing from the University of New Hampshire. My short stories have appeared in a range of literary journals and anthologies, and my first short story collection is coming out in April 2024. You can pre-order here.

You can also connect with me via my website,, or on Twitter at

Photo credits: All of the photos in this post were taken by me with my iphone and belong to me, unless otherwise noted.

Want to know what I'm publishing and where? Follow me on Instagram via the QR code:

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Your lovely sister and I went to the Minnewashta dog park today. Scattered snow and lots of mud. Glad we brought walking sticks. Lucy loved romping around and chasing a ball.

I can only imagine the muddy mess she must have been at the end! Did you hose her down? Thanks for stopping by @preparedwombat!

Break the ice with ice, mud and snow😂😂😂