i'm about to YOLO my $800k life savings on starbucks gift cards, what are the tax implications ??

in #walllstreetbets3 years ago

hey wsb i'm going to invest my life savings in starbucks gift cards cause i think the dollar is going to go down, i plan to sell them in a couple years and make an absolute killing

what are the tax implications of doing this??

what kind of investment vehicle are starbucks gift cards anyway? my polyamorous girlfriend says that they're most similar to bearer bonds, which makes sense; does that tie their value to starbucks' capitalization?


Can I introduce you to beanie babies? You can buy the dip

Sound logic. Just do it and worry about taxes later

Don’t forget to buy the gift cards on the secondary market. You can save 15-20% or maybe 50% on the street or at a shady pawn shop.

You should diversify your portfolio and fill up empty milk cartons with gasoline and store them until the summer when prices go up