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RE: A Separate View of the Israel/Hamas War

in #war8 months ago

Antisemitism is the superpower of Zionists. The more hatred they can inspire, the more sympathy they gain. Zionists have inexorably prosecuted false flag attacks since prior to the creation of the state of Israel, and their agents have infiltrated key positions in government and industry, particularly media and finance, in America and around the world.

The conflict in the Ukraine is particularly illustrative of these tactics, which aren't exclusive to Zionism, but have been employed throughout the duration of history, such as by Nero, whose private fire company notoriously set fires and then charged owners fees for putting them out that could not be paid, then seizing the properties as collateral for payment. Ihor Kholomoisky utilized openly Nazi rabble, forging from neo-Nazi gangs the Azov organization, for example, in his seizure of manufacturing and commercial sites and companies in the Ukraine prior to the Maidan. Further funding, arming, and training of these Zionazi blackshirts by NED, a cutout for the CIA and infamous for instituting 'color revolutions', produced the coup in the Ukraine, marked by some of the most well-documented false flag mass murders by snipers killing protesters and police alike during the Maidan protests.

When digging into these events, the constant and blatant lies and deception of Zionazi forces are the most obdurate impediment to discovering the truth.



Absolutely, they have that built-in justification to hide behind, and it's disgusting the way they conflate the two to literally get away with murder. Thanks again!