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RE: Let’s Unbox & Play Warhammer 40K Kill-Team (Part 2)!

in #warhammerlast year

Rules lawyers can be great sometimes (as long as they have a decent accuracy rate XD) as they're usually quicker than looking it up, but even when you're desperately trying to do Rules As Written you sometimes end up doing Rules As Interpreted anyway because there are some things that either can't or just don't get written unambiguously.

I have a feeling a lot of those commenters whould absolutely hate playing with me XD

feeling would probably be mutual


Hahaha, I am all about Rules As Interpreted or Rules As Intended over Rules As Written because I think you can usually determine the reason a rule was written and what the purpose of it was... who wants to win purely on a technicality, where is the fun in that?

I'd say you'd be surprised but you probably wouldn't be XD