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Good morning all my friends, have a good day. This morning I was with a mighty rooster.

Wave Media

those are big!

Yay! 🤗
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Looking handsome, too. 😍

The black one looks so elegant!

The project i run @terra.sinkhole is expanding, slowly but is expanding. Please support it, especially if you play #terracore

Wave Media

Just made a fantastic omelette sandwich

Wave Media

That looks super delicious and big enough to kill ones craving 🤤

This one looks tempting

Looks delicious 😋 Enjoy.

Bon appetit

Wow it's seems delicious and a heavy dose 🤩

Yum yum 😋
Enjoy 😊

It's too early to see this 😢
Now I feel hungry 😮
This looks so tantalizing, friend

This looks yummy 😋

Damn! Now that's what I call heavens bit.

Morning All

I'll just leave this here.

#waves #TZAG #BeNiceToEachOther

Morning 🌞

Wow! Congratulations!!


OMG! Good on you!! 👏👏👏

That must add up to quite a lot. This Hive thing really ought to catch on

That's a big number!

Wave Media

I think you mean that's a lotta love. 🥰 🤣

@melinda010100, @dickturpin just sent you LUV. (1/1)

Wow! Congratulations 🎉

Voting complete, it's election day in the US. A short ballot though, only local issues, not any national races. #electionday

Wave Media

This method of voting quite simple

Yeah in my state they mail us our ballots in advance, as well as booklets explaining any state or city laws we are voting on. You have to research yourself on any politicians running for office, except for judges, they'll show their performance reviews in the booklets too.
Then you can drop off your ballot at drop off points around the city, or even mail it if you get it done early enough that there is time for mailing (assuming you have stamps for it).

Is it just me or is there something trippy to the morning sky today! Looks damn beautiful!

#nature #amazing #views #waves

Wave Media

Wow so beautiful

So many flying sheep 😄😁

So amazing! Great capture. 🤩👍

Wow .. love it .. the amazing shades of blue 😍

The sight of the clouds is definitely trippy!

Hahaha, imagine when tripping!

friend @coldbeetrootsoup gives us the opportunity to earn 50 #Hive just by taking small steps. Here is the direct link for you to participate

~~~ embed:1722161520635695417?t=tHxDhft-tILul2UjSQJt_A&s=19 twitter metadata:QmVldF9Sb290X1NvdXB8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vQmVldF9Sb290X1NvdXAvc3RhdHVzLzE3MjIxNjE1MjA2MzU2OTU0MTd8 ~~~

Wave Media

Thank you very much for sharing.

Good luck to the contest

Thank you very much dear

thanks for this...

For me it is a pleasure to collaborate with what I can so that you participate and win that fabulous prize

very nice my friend

Is it a chance thing or there is a guarantee that you will have 50 hive

If your username appears in the roulette wheel you will be the lucky owner of 50 #Hive

Is it just one winner? And what's the probability of winning?

If there is only one winner and exactly I don't know but it will depend on the number of users who complete the easy steps. I imagine they could easily be 1/300

Wow, but I would still try my luck tomorrow.

Just got myself a power bank because the electricity supply in my area has been unreliable lately. It's always good to have a backup plan for those power outage moments

Wave Media

I used a similar solar power bank in the past. Approximately half a year ago. It worked until water went into it in the rain. So I would recommend putting it away (protect it from water), when it is raining.

Thank you for sharing your experience with a solar power bank. It's valuable advice to protect such devices from water.

I buy stuff like that instead of silver and gold, lol. Small, portable solar panels are a great investment as well.

You're absolutely right! Investing in items like power banks and portable solar panels can be incredibly practical and forward-thinking.

It's really cool

Smart investment!

Good plan! I have one too, just in case, but I have never had to use it.

That's great to hear! It's always wise to have a backup plan in place, even if you hope you'll never need it. Preparedness can provide peace of mind and can be a lifesaver in unexpected situations.

This is beautiful!
This is one of my goals before the end of the year.

At afternoons ends I have a better view of the river!

He did a nice job. The view is better now

I will be able to see the wildlife that comes there in the winter. This part of the river never freezes.

Awesome! 😍

Those are some lovely views!

Watching the ducks and geese and the eagles that fish at the mouth of the creek will give me lots of entertainment this winter.

At last! That is wonderful!

That can be a nice wallpaper

Finally feeling better, and got appetize to eat for dinner, here's my dinner for last night, fried rice with pineapple
WeChat 圖片_20231108111828.jpg

Wow that's great to hear

Nice and delicious pineapple fried rice. So appetising 😋

I'll have fried rice today! Twinsies hahaha

Ah crap! It’s Wednesday already???

We missed #threetunetuesday again…

Need to fix the calendar, 😂

That’s what happens when you get stuck dealing with other issues!

We’ll catch it next week!

#blocktunes #music

Heading out to run a few errands

Wave Media

Safe drive

Good luck. The road looks great BTW 😀

Have a safe journey 😊

Be safe out there.
Enjoy running the errands too😁

GM Wavers 🌊

Lunchtime here and going to make some nice Quasadilas! #foodchain

Wave Media

What is this?

Its the ingredients for Quasadilas! 😀

Enjoy your lunch

Thanks, it was delicious!

A few minutes ago I sold 22 Hive for $8.12 HBD. I rarely do, but this time I decided to do short term trading. So later I will try to buy more than 22 Hive for $8.12 HBD.

Does someone know where I van check the power down route?
I want to make shure it is right!
Thank you!
Greez 🍻

Good idea to take some profit now that the price is up and even better if you can trade for more profit :p
But no, I dont know the down power route :c

Not yet :)
Stay tuned I figure it out for shure ;)

Hey @cwow2, here is a little bit of BEER from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

If you like BEER and want to support us please consider voting @louis.witness on HIVE and on HIVE Engine.

At go into 'settings' then 'permissions'

Wave Media

Waves Folks. I'm here again!

Today started with a whole lot of intensity and it's been a busy day from start to this moment.

The goodnews though is that I traveled home so I'm not worried about kitchen work. Haha. Mum cooked something sumptuous.

Hi Kene! Love seeing ya here. But did you have to leave me hungry? 🤤

Haha... I started using waves two days ago and I enjoy getting in to drop my thoughts each day 😂😂.

I'm far from where I stay. Finally home after two years and it's so fun and eventful. Haha. I miss NaPodPoMo.

God Bless You, Alessandra. Hehe.

I hope I with @shadowspub and the crew get to see you at #pypt. You’re certainly a popular figure there, Kene!😊

Mmm bon appetit!

Lol... Thanks so much. It's always nice to eat something nice at home.

Free food dey your mind

Omoh... That free food is a must ooo. Appetite no even dey because of stress, but I will still eat as much as possible. Haha.

GE, wavers! I’m at La Fila Park on my daily hiking. This my view at this moment #naturelovers

Wave Media

😍 Wow, what a view!

So beautiful! What a lovely scene.

The view is astonishing. Enjoy hiking

Beautiful view 😍 Sure you had a wonderful hike.

Wow lucky you are who do hiking daily 😍

Beautiful view

Sprite, with its crisp and refreshing lemon-lime flavor, is a classic favorite. It's the perfect choice when you're looking for a bubbly and tangy soft drink. Sprite never fails to quench your thirst and lift your spirits

Wave Media

🥰As if you know I like it!

Wave Media

😂 You sound like a marketeer from Coca Cola. Good texting.

Oh I love sprite!

That's good to hear

Before the rain clouds always look pretty 😍

Amazing scenes

Beautiful scene.

I’m having no end of trouble accessing 3speak videos these days, does anyone else have this issue?

I see in the 3Spk Discord that the problem is suspected to be with nodes.

Thanks for letting me know

Is that through 3speak or a different dapp? I don't watch that many videos generally.

Through Ecency so could be the problem. I will do more audio anyway for embedding into posts.


Hey!!! You there! Did you smile to someone today? Give your spouse a blossoming smile before you sleep today.🤣😃😀

Wave Media

morning to all ✌

Nice day for everyone today.

Wave Media

Good morning! Have a beautiful day!

My new coffee art!

Wave Media

Beautiful!! Just beautiful!

✍️ Good Morning! ☀️

Wave Media

I showed my hair colour under construction 🚧.

Now orange is the new black!


Wave Media

Looks so nice 😊

Captivating bloom of a white rain lilly. 🤍💚💛
Hello Wavers 👋, have a nice Thursday. ☕🌞

Wave Media

It's a beautiful capture 🤩

Thanks a lot! Good day!

It's really captivating.
Have a wonderful Thursday 😊

Thanks, my friend. You, too.

Alright dear

Looks blooming 😍
Have a blessed day ❤️

Thank you!

Enjoying an afternoon coffee on the back deck

Wave Media

Looks so delicious!


Wave Media





Hive made me realize even our cultures are so different, we all have similar souls. Just different opportunities.

Totally! It is amazing to connect and see other's perspectives!

Good morning guys. How are you all? I have decided to live a healthy lifestyle. After jogging, I try to have some healthy food 😀

Wave Media

I think today you guys want me to eat Oranges, it's the only fruits I have seen here on waves

You don't like it?

I love it, but I don't t have some at home, so am being tempted to go to the market.😂🤦

You should go and buy some for yourself and for your family on Sunday ❣️


It's the best 😁

Indeed, but sometimes I prefer banana🍌

That's healthy.
Keep it up.


You are welcome

Cool, that is good for you! 👍 Good morning ☕🌞

Good morning 🌞

Nice ..good morning 🌞

Thank you. Have a great day ahead 💞

Oh brother is that orange and groundnut I'm seeing 😆?

Yes brother 😂

How 😂😂😂😂

You can see from the picture 😄

🤗🤗 😂

Lazy morning, I'll definitely be taking a nap after finishing some chores. Work can wait, my exhaustion can't. Lol .

Hahaha I love how you put it, work can wait the body needs rest

I've been pushing myself a lot, I deserve to indulge 😂

Sure I really need to, it is very necessary

Try not to be a man of success, but rather be a man of value.

Value makes way to success.💗🥰🥰

Wave Media

You guys look adorable 😍

Oh yes!
Value is what the world needs.
Good to have you here Mummy GO 😂

Nice quote.
With beautiful smiling faces.

Beautiful smiles

I began last Monday, my daily exercise routine. I had stopped since long ago but I rescheduled my day for includes it.

The best thing is my cat Aioria, supervises me during all the exercise and sleeps in my chest when I'm doing abs 😅🤣

She's helping you by adding weight! 😁😸

🤣🤣🤣🤣 That forces me to do the exercises slowly, so my poor muscles end well trained 😅

New equipment arrived 😊

What does it do?

It prints circuits or any design on using resin and led uv to 1úm of size here some shapes we did
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Commuting to work~
It’s been months since I’ve gone to the office. I hope they’ll not get angry at me for not going to the office the entire spring and summer. 😅

#train #tokyo #japan

Wave Media

Working from home is enough ahhaha hopefully they won't ask you to go to the office often 😄😁

All the best. ☺👍

Busy afternoon so far, but we keep moving

Yeah, we do.

Good morning!
Soya for breakfast. Hehe

Wave Media

Good morning. Thank you for offering breakfast. I haven't yet had breakfast.

Good morning
You are enjoying yourself

That looks delicious 😋

Yuuum! Looks so good

Hello everyone!
This is my first wave!

Welcome on Board. I wrote my first wave two days ago and I've been showing up everyday to also be part of the FUN.

Thank you! Nice to meet you!

Nice to meet you too. Enjoy this part of the Blockchain. Hehe

Hello and welcome 😄 I hope you'll like it here

Hello! Nice to meet you!

Welcome to waves! 🌊

Thank you! Nice to meet you!

Welcome!! Nice to see you over here!

Nice to meet you too!

An excavator works to clear the road to a highly effective plantation
#wave #ecency #nature #plantation #photography #excavator

Wave Media

Yeah. This makes it easier for commercial farmers to do their work.

The world of petroleum drilling. It is a very enjoyable job because with petroleum workers, everyone in the world can experience how fun it is to ride Planes, cars, motorbikes and ships.

Wave Media

It's an interesting job. I haven't imagined myself doing it but, I always imagined what it would be feel like to be in a place like this just to see how they do their day to day job.

Thank you, I hope you can do what you want, friend

Yeah. I really hope to do something I enjoy doing. Hehe. Thanks so much

Great day to you. A lovely time to place your mind over matter and keep moving forward, no matter the circumstance

That's a good move. We've got to keep moving forward. Life is tough, but we need to be resilient when dealing with life.

One can not drive looking at the rear mirror.

Great insight

Good morning Wavers! #GM I've been shifting my sleep schedule late the past several days, so a late start for me today. Sipping my coffee protein shake w/ whipped cream. ☕😁

Wave Media

Good morning!

coffee looks nice, but I don't add too much cream on it anymore, i used to do that, adding lot of cream on top

I don't do it all the time, but occasionally it's quite good. :)

i am not young anymore, need to not taking too much sweet, sugar 😅

So, you aren't resting well? Please sleep early so you could get to work early too

I just couldn't sleep early the past few nights. My sleep likes to change around, it doesn't care for clocks. 😂

😀 Sometimes, it be like that. It's body adjustment. You go on and pray that time or read a useful material.

Wave Media

he is very cute right??

Wave Media

Very adorable 😍

Sun wan burn my Brain.

You get at all?

Avoid me


Happy Wednesday!

A peaceful world begins within me. I am at peace, and I have let go of things that no longer serve me.

#ecency #waves

Wave Media

I went for a walk in the morning. It is necessary for our mental and physical health. What are your thoughts on this?

Wave Media

Keep doing it, my friend. Walking is indeed beneficial for our health. 👍

That's very good for the body. Balancing your physical and mental health is good

You ask me the limit of love? So listen ... The one without whom every breath I felt broken I did not even do the duty To get him ... !!!

Neblina de placer.

Wave Media

Subversivo! 😝🤓


creo que no es la mejor palabra para definir la foto pero quise decir que tiene un "aire rebelde" jajajaja ''En este sentido, como subversivas pueden calificarse todas aquellas personas, ideas, movimientos y grupos que tengan como objetivo derrocar las estructuras de autoridad e invertir los valores y principios sobre los cuales se fundamenta un sistema o régimen, bien sea a nivel político, ideológico, moral o social. De allí que en lo subversivo se reconozca un carácter cuestionador, insubordinado o rebelde ante el orden establecido.''

Conociendo eso ,fue la esclamacion .,pero solo fue un lapsus menti. Jjjjaa.pero también puede ser subversiva dialogando en un contexto X dónde se contextualice a partir interese curatorial es y conceptos mascqlla de la propia obra.asi funciona tambien el arte.
Gracias por la visita y los comentarios.

definitivamente no era la palabra 🙏 🤗 @davidsantafe

Be the labor great or smal, do it well or not at all.

Yeah whatever we find ourselves doing it is better to do it well

Or work at government, do the bare minimum work, shake your head, get salary 😁😄

Thanks for your opinion

I was joking.

There's a saying: things are to be done the right way, or not done at all!

That's right

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