Brrrrrr...Baby Its Cold Outside! It is when it's -67 Celsius (-88.6 degrees Fahrenheit) in Oymyakon

in #weather6 years ago


So, dear Steemies, this is what happens when you get up in the morning, carefully put your mascara on and then pop outside to take a selfie and Boom! Within seconds your eyelashes freeze!!!

Meet Anastasia Gruzdeva from the Russian town of Oymyakon in Siberia where today the temperature measured a mighty chilly, some might say bone cracklingly cold -67 Celsius.

The town, which boasts around only 500 inhabitants, got its name from the nomadic reindeer herders who would gather there to take advantage of the thermal hot springs - Oymyakon means "water that doesn't freeze."

Pretty much everything else in the town does though!!! The list of things that don't function in such biting temperatures includes not only your eyelashes, but all electronic devices, mobile (cell) phones won't work, pen ink freezes, as do indoor toilets and plumbing, and they only get about 3 hours of daylight in winter. All of which makes it sound like a steemian nightmare.

No chance to write posts, check on your crypto deals or even just simply read that hot trending whale post while on the loo (some do, you know!).

That said it does present other opportunities. Photographer Petr Chugunov persuaded a ballerina to brave the cold to capture this haunting shot...

Photo credits Petr Chugunov 2018

And this one of the main bridge in Oymyakon clad completely in ice.


For anyone doubting the -67C temperature here's a short (under 3mins) video clip which provides the evidence...

Of note to any vegans and vegetarians who may be thinking of visiting...because the ground is frozen solid almost permanently, crops, fruit and vegetables cannot be grown here so the diet is almost entirely meat and fish based. Mostly on the menu here is fish and reindeer meat (sorry Rudolph!) served as a local delicacy and often eaten raw.

And if that has you swooning in a dead faint...don't. Because in Oymyakon even burying the dead is potentially pretty problematic!

Oh and if you're a 'fridge manufacturer looking to expand to Russia, let's just say your marketing strategies might not be very effective here. However I do foresee a lucrative future for the anti freeze mascara market!


Have you visited @steemitworldmap in travel digest? Your town above is hundreds of miles from closest on their map 😃 😉

Ah, thanks for commenting @simon62 and I most certainly will check out the map link you sent. I don't live in Oymyakon...I merely researched and wrote about the town due to the recent record breaking dips in temperature.

This was born out of hearing people in the UK (where I reside) constantly moaning about how cold it is. Living, and adapting to the extremes of the climate in Oymyakon certainly puts this into perspective when we compare our sub zero numbers which rarely hit double figures with these hardy Siberian souls surviving in -67!! Thanks again for the link and for commenting!

Just visited the, super cool site and gorgeous travel pics for a bit of armchair travelling...thanks SO much for sharing that! I shall be following that one with great interest, might even post some of my travel pics myself! Will you be posting yours? ⭐️

My pleasure. Worth knowing links so we have an idea which way to look in archive. 😉

Ah, in UK, try my #0130, for kids of all ages, a touch of sunshine. 😇

You may not agree, but it is refreshing to see the chill. I was born in snow in an English winter, but as soon as I was old enough to leave, I came to QLD. There are days I dream of snow, when shady temp is 38C up to 45C and humidity readings tell you, you are actually swimming or near enough. We do get snow in occasional years, but one has to travel to south central border regions looking for it. Usually inland of the range and a NNW line, about 600 miles from Australia's vast ski fields in Blue mountains. Dirranbandi, is one cold town that comes to mind, or on NSW side of the border a town where apples grow called Stanthorpe.
--Here, I'm a forty-five min drive from the Sunshine Coast, which is white to rainbow sands, surf, sunshine and mangroves for the Mud-crabs. There are occasional sharks, but if you don't bother them they usually don't bother people. Except in the harbour and canal shallow waters where a flashing heel of a swimmer might attract the mullet-chaseing Bull sharks. I have lived in the desert on nothing but meat and water, a bit more varied than reindeer and fish. We had snake, goanna, emu, and sometimes horse, or camel, if really lucky, goat. So, I am very glad to be here now, with bananas, mangoes, pineapple, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, and occasional sugar-cane to chew on.
My immediate thought when I saw your photo, was; wow, if you were to touch your eye sockets you might lose your eyelashes altogether, ouch!
I will endeavor to find your town on a map, but I don't know, I may have to visit a library as my maps probably are not scaled large enough. I did enjoy reading your post, as although I was born at only 53 lat. I fondly remember snowy mornings. Thank-you.

Wow thanks for sharing such fond memories of snow, I can almost sense your longing for the white stuff....funny how the grass is always greener...or in this case....whiter!!! Equally I would happily trade you some Yorkshire snow for your Aussie sunshine today! Glad you enjoyed reading it!

I have been fortunate to explore the Queensland area that you call home, when I travelled there in 2016, spending time both on the sunshine coast, in the hinterland and also deeper in the rainforest a bit further inland. And what adventures I had! I will be blogging about it soon, so do stay tuned!

Further to your comment about potentially snapping, and losing, frozen eyelashes...the person who invents an anti-freeze mascara might make it BIG out there!! 😊😊😊

So you get a geographical handle on where this is...they are only a couple of 100 miles from the Arctic Circle


Happy steeming, my friend, will be following you and upvoting, not that its worth much from me right now...but nevertheless, I will support you on your steem journey! ⭐️

I have just posted a fine cold weather recipe to remind of Qld, where I'm cold when it gets below 18*C. You may not have these ingredients, but as I pointed out in blog, they can be varied according to place or guests.

Thanks for commenting @simon62

Sounds...if you'll forgive the expression in relation to this post...COOL! ❄️😊😊

Hahaha lol, there are dessert ices at #36 in my archive. The #s start with #98 where I realised I'd need them to find my way through my posts. Also a 🍋 lemon & Kali at #97 😂
If you do wish to count back, there is usually four per day, not always but you'll be in the ballpark.
--For the cold weather, #01,#02,(#03,#04),#10,#14,#20,#21,(#22),#24,#25,#27,(#28),[😂#41], #42,#43,#45,#50,#53,#54,#55,#57,#58, #61,{😉#82,#83},#90,(#0102),(#0108), #0125, and #0130
Keep on keeping on. 😇

Again, @lilygolightly, in MY replies, just beneath this of yours and my warm recipe list reply to you, you may find a reply to me from @steemitworldmap
And this might be easier for you to see and work out than my trying to explain. 😊

My thanks again @simon62 for such a dizzingly and dazzling array of recipes. Being vegan does restrict my choice of ingredients somewhat but being an adaptable kinda gal, I can wing it!

Hope you succeed in cooking up a storm on here, my friend😊⭐️🍏