
Just started to follow you, I think you reacted on it by following me as well.
Dont have a name, and maybe not gonna get one, lets see.


  • What is the L2 verification about? Is this need for posting (and rewards)?
  • Is the L2 the new chain you mentioned?
  • For what other services do you use DeBank?

I can't answer any of that haha. Just joined, info seems sparse

Looks like without such ID thingy, posts can be made (I made one) and I can like posts, at least yours, posts of those I follow I suppose. I can't dislike your post though, need ID for that. So dislike can only be done after spending money, while likes are ok being totally anon 😀

I suppose L2 is indeed their chain.

I used DeBank for portfolio overview when annual tax thingies needs to be done. Am positively surprised they already support the Coinbase chain, BASE. Cool.

did u figure out if the post $ value is actually the payout or its just information? lol

I have no idea, to be honest. Didn't look into this further.
Perhaps you can investigate and tell me?
Wondering where the money comes from, for starters 😉

Cool. Will explore more and maybe join you guys.

come come join!

I think we've already followed each other. @de42 😄

It is nice to see you on debank. I'll definitely follow you. Can you follow back. Stay blessed.

Thanks, I think I'm going to check it there

$96 does not look much for the good of hive

It's so sad that it actually does not work on mobile phones and that's what I have, maybe next time 🙃

It works on mobile but i think need to setup with a pc first :)

Oh I see, I will look for away to set it up with a PC

This sounds like fun, I will check it out and make sure to follow afterwards. Thank you so much for the new update.

Kindly shed more light or share a link that has more detailed explanation.

Thanks in anticipation