Personal Loan For Wedding - A Smartest Way To cover The Cost?

in #weddingloans4 years ago

Wedding day is one of the most important events in our lives, and we all want our D day to be nothing less than perfect. It is a symbol of commitment and lays the foundation for an exciting journey of partnership for two individuals. However, funding the dream wedding comes with a substantial financial burden.


The process of planning a wedding involves several difficult decisions from selecting the venue, caterers, jewellery, decorations to deciding on a photographer and videographer, amongst many others. It can get really stressful, especially when the funds are not enough to have a dream marriage ceremony. To execute a memorable wedding, every facet should be looked at carefully as beautiful wedding attire, enchanting decor, dreamy location and return gifts come with a voluminous price tag.

As we all know, Indian wedding ceremonies come with considerable cost implications, that is why parents save and invest for years for their children’s wedding. In the current times, the definition of marriage is changing with new dimensions added to it. Be it a pre-wedding shoot, personalised themed decor, luxurious honeymoon dream, despite having saved funds, there is no limit on the amount that can be spent for this important day. However, wedding loans in India help to contribute to the personalisation all of you would have wished for.

An average Indian wedding can cost anywhere from Rs. 20 lakhs all the way to Rs. 5 crores and this isn’t a small number. With a personal loan for wedding, you can fulfill all your dreams linked to your memorable day without worrying about the monetary aspects attached to it. Various banks and NBFCs offer loans, so you no longer have to wait until you are financially stable to have a wedding. One of the leading digital NBFC, Clix Capital, offers marriage loans with a maximum loan amount, hassle-free process, minimal documentation, and quick approval.

Here are a few benefits of a personal loan for a wedding from Clix Capital:

Loan amount from Rs 1 Lakh - 25 Lakhs
With a loan, you can make your wedding dreams turn into a reality and opt for a loan amount that suits your needs and style. Whether you wish to fund the catering costs, venue booking or the entire wedding expenses, it can be all assured with Clix Capital’s wedding loans that go up from Rs 1 lakh to Rs 25 lakhs.

Customised EMI plans from 12 to 48 months
The last thing to worry about after opting for a wedding loan is how you will repay it. With Clix Capital, you can easily choose from a customised repayment method. Furthermore, you can want to either pay off the amount within a year or stretch up to four years to make the EMI payments much more manageable.

Instant Disbursal of funds
Another great benefit of Clix Capital’s marriage loan is the high speed at which the loan amount is disbursed. The instant disbursals ensure that you don’t jump on to a decision that might prove to be high-priced in the long run, simply because you thought that the loan amount would take its own sweet time to reach the bank account.

Weddings; a day where you make memories to last a lifetime. Whether you wish it to be a grand celebration or an intimate ceremony with only a few guests, personal loans for wedding from Clix Capital ensures that you are not forced to settle for less. The wedding loans at Clix comes with no collateral requirement, convenient processing, instant disbursals, minimal documentation to make your special day a highlight. Hence, personal loans for weddings serve as a smart way to cover all the expenses related to a marriage ceremony.