Walk for Lunch

Inspired by #WednesdayWalk by @tattoodjay

All photos featured are from my collection.

For this week, let me share with you a throwback walk with a surprise find of a lovely view. With the current coronavirus situation where I am, we try to avoid being outdoors a lot, so it's time to showcase throwback photos until the situation gets better. We try to be optimistic, but at the same time, we know that we need to take the necessary precautions. Healthcare system in our country isn't really that great. Plus, we're somewhat disappointed with how our local government is handling this medical emergency. But I digress.


Just as the title suggests, this was my walk for lunch one summer day. I had to accompany my young tutee and his mom on this out of town training/seminar. The mom and student had packed meals for the seminar and so I got the chance to venture out not too far away from the venue for my lunch break.


I enjoy walking and exploring new places, so I was just glad to get that chance. There's a clubhouse not too far where I could grab my lunch.


Table with a view. I enjoyed my lunch before exploring the surrounding view. I did get a sneak peek while sitting from this angle.


What a lovely playground! I do wonder if anyone actually plays there. ^_^


I love wide, open spaces. Must be a good place for strolling and jogging in the early morning or near sundown.


Time to zoom in my camera. It reveals this lovely spot! Truly amazing.


Time to head back, so I just took this one last shot of the garden near the clubhouse.

See you next time for more #WednesdayWalk. Happy midweek!

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You are a great photographer too! In the photo where you mention it's a nice place for strolling and jogging, for the jogging part running in that field instead of a hard surface would keep the parts of their legs in better shape longer.

A very nice post, thanks for sharing!

Awwww thank you so much 😊😊

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Thank you so much 😊😊

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What a lovely walk as it feels so peaceful. Where is this place btw?

Tagaytay City 😊😊 I hope they weren't so badly affected by the ash fall from Taal Volcano.

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Great photos once again @iamraincrystal


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thank you so much! :) happy weekend! :)

Congratulations @iamraincrystal! This post has been featured in today's Power House Creatives curation post!

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!giphy thank you

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A lovely walk indeed my friend and of course nature is our best friend.
Hope that you keep on watching the virus situation and glad that you are keeping safe.

True. Being close to nature is so grounding. I'll need to get out of the city more LOL. Happy weekend! Blessings to you :)

Always a good idea to get out in nature my friend.
But I see that you know what I was talking about.
Blessings and thank you!

A lovely walk for a normal Wednesday

I really enjoyed viewing your photos, they are beautiful and calm.

I really enjoyed
Viewing your photos, they are
Beautiful and calm.

                 - rodrook

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Congrats the @haikubot found you :) thanks for dropping by too! happy weekend!

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I highly appreciate it!

!giphy thank you

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Finding a place to explore escaping for some quiet time always good for one, keep safe in your region and hope things get better soon.

True. Quiet times help recharge my energy 😁😁 thank you for your well wishes 😉👌

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I got the chance to venture out not too far away from the venue for my lunch break.

Hahaha. Here, I'd call that "breaking and fleeing to keep my sanity."

Seriously, that looks like a really nice place to be able to go visit! I can almost imagine the fresh air from here. Awesome!

p.s., Stay healthy

😂😂 loved that "breaking & fleeing" statement. Alone times are sometimes the best 😉👌 thanks!

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Unas fotos realmente estupendas.
Felicidades y espero que ese virus, sea exterminado y puedas volver a la paz que antes tenían.
Un abrazo

Really great photos.
Congratulations and I hope that virus is exterminated and you can return to the peace you had before.
A hug

Thank you for your well wishes and kind words. 😊😊 praying the situation gets better soon too 🙏🙏

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Thanks for sharing the lovely photos on your walk.

Take care and be safe from the Corona Virus.

Thank you. Be safe as well 😊😊 take care!

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What a lovely walk so green fresh and beautiful

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :)

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Great clicks

That seems like a really nice place to have a stroll!

So sorry about the fact your dealing with this Coronavirus :-( I hope and pray it turns around soon. Beautiful walk @iamraincrystal :-D looks to be very lush in your parts.. Lots of plantings everywhere, except in that wide open space you love so much. I would definitely join you for some lunch at that club house.. may take me a good while to get there though..hehe. Food any good?

I hope the situation with this disease gets better soon, take care of yourself.

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