Glad you liked it. Now that I CAN walk, if I feel secure in walking
Around with an expensive camera around my neck, I hope to get
Some more interesting things in this area before I move on.
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Glad you liked it. Now that I CAN walk, if I feel secure in walking
Around with an expensive camera around my neck, I hope to get
Some more interesting things in this area before I move on.
Cool and how are you enjoying the New camera?
Actually, I'm not. This device comes equipped (supposedly) with WIFI and

Bluetooth connectivity, to send photos to your phone (BT) or for remote
Shutter control (wifi). Damned thing doesn't work.
The DAY I got the camera, I linked the phone to the camera and took some photos of me from behind (so I could see how shaggy I've gotten)
Never more after that, could I get that remote function to work
I tried for 10 days to get some support from NIKON, they kept sending me the
SAME damned self-help link.
I took the camera back to MicroCenter where I bought it (store warranty)
Most of them didn't know cameras, but they do know electronics. They
Couldn't get it to work either, so we exchanged the camera for a new one.
Then, standing there in the store, we got it to connect, and I took one
(more or less accidental) photo triggered from my phone.
Which once I got home, I managed to bring up, and thought about
Using for your Monochrome Monday
I left the store, went to a friends house, showed him the camera, and after
Considerable fiddling, we got it to link phone to camera, snapped a few
Shots of his dog...they didn't get saved anywhere.
Now since I've been home (all that was yesterday) I have not been able
to link phone and camera. It's an endless round of turn on wifi, it will
Say the camera is linked to another device, go turn off bluetooth, I do
That, which turns off the wifi and around we go again.
Other than that, the camera is far too complex, it will take me forever
To learn all the bells and whistles, but I will. I Promise
Sorry to hear you having such headaches with the connectivity, I wish I could help but i have never used Nikon, and also I never send photos to my phone from the camera, I upload them onto my computer
As for learning the camera, I would suggest you take it slowly do not try to learn everything at once or it will only confuse the heck out of you
I would say first start using the auto Mode and have fun with it, and then when you have time read up a little about Aperture and priority modes, there the next step, and dont even think of manual shooting for a while yet
I really have no interest in sending them to my phone, the only thing I would
Want is the remote control, if I'm alone at a gig and want to start and
Stop the video recording, that would be MOST handy.
Photos sent to the phone are tiny compared to what are saved in the
Camera, and they are, despite being sent to the phone.
Thanks JJ
Ohh I see and I can see how that would be such a handy feature to have I hope you can work it out