Wednesday Walk

Wednesday Walk is a challenge started by @tattoodjay, The idea is to get out for a short walk, and get some shots of what you can see within a short distance of your home office or wherever you start.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ WEDNESDAY WALK ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Walking is the very best exercise. Habituate yourself to walk very far. - Thomas Jefferson



My daily walk is about six kilometers, and it takes between an hour to an hour and a half, depending on my speed, as well as how often I stopped to take pictures, or to have a word with my fellow walkers. One thing for sure, with such a scenic route, and so much to see, it is always a pleasant walk.

So, join me on this Wednesday walk, as I show you some of the scenes, flowers and plants along my walk route.


I love this scene, this section of the canal. When the water is still and it is a bright, beautiful day, I get to see this reflective image. Every time I see it, I feel like stopping to take a picture, even though I have taken quite a few of them.

There used to be a railway track. The train stopped running and the place is left empty, while the authorities decide what to do with it. Meanwhile, some walkers and bikers used the trail as there is less people here than on the walk route.

I have no idea what this plant is. It is covered in little brown blooms. Too bad they don't quite show up in the picture.


We don't have banana plantations in Singapore, but banana plants can be seen almost anywhere. These looks like they will be ripe before too long.


Beautiful small white flowers. There are pink coloured ones too. But what is interesting about this plant is that the stems and branches are very stringy, and leaves are sparse.

This is another curiosity. Beautiful tiny flowers and beside them appear this 'fruit', or maybe seed pod would be more appropriate. I have no idea what it is.

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Thank you for stopping by. If you like the post, please give it a vote. Reblog it if you think it worthy. Follow me if you like to read about Life, humour and quotes. Cheers!


the atmosphere looks very cool.

Thank you for taking a look. Yes, the walk route is very nice.

Yes brothers.

a Great quote to start the post, and Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :)

I am glad you like the quote. My pleasure to join in Wednesday Walk.


What a peaceful walk! Great exercise and some natural beauty :-)

Hi Jon, Nice to hear from you again. Yes, it is a very nice route for walking, jogging, cycling etc...
Are you still busy? or just taking a break from posting?

Just really lost interest, but still like to check in and see what my friends are up to.

Ah! I see. Take care and keep well. Cheers! :-)

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Thank you @bdcommunity for your support. Voted. Good luck!

Howdy sir Vincent! What a wonderful walking route. Are you saying you have a group that you walk with?

Howdy Jonboy! No, just the regular walkers I met. Sometimes, we stopped and have a chat.

Shocking sir Vincent. I thought you were more of a loner than that.

Jonboy, that is the price of having a charming personality. Everybody wants to know me, and have a word with me. I guess that is something a red neck will not understand. 😎

lol...yes that is true, me no savvy. lol...what about social distancing though? Do you wear a mask?

Yep. We have to wear a mask when we go out of the house. But when we are jogging, we don't have to wear a mask.

You'd look good in a mask sir Vincent. Probably be a good idea to keep wearing one when this is over.