
and me again obvver her e:) I forgot to say that water way in the first shot kind of looks to me like it should be familiar may I ask what area this is

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk

The canal/water way is in Upper Bukit Timah. It goes right up to the Kranji Reservoir.

My pleasure. :-)

Ohh yeah I remember walking through that area a couple of times when I was there

Good memory. :-)

Its funny how some things stick in ones memory and that water ay did for me

Howdy sir Vincent! very interesting but when you saw that it might rain you were supposed to RUN back home. lol.

Can't run fast enough. 😊

I think you just didn't want to work that hard but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt! I've been doing alot of running lately.

Jack injured his leg and has been off of it for a few weeks but is now to the point where he can trot on it so twice a day I've been taking him out for what turns out to be 20 or 30 minutes of him trotting all over the place with me struggling to keep up! lol. My legs are sore but he's forcing me to get in shape!

I used to jog. My knees are not so good now and it's painful to jog. So, I brisk walk, and slow jog a bit just to give the heart a bit of cardio.

You have Jack to motivate you. Good for you to be out there doing some exercise instead of gluing your butt to the chair in front of your computer.

lol....a glued butt to the computer! I did that for 2 years and now I'm not spending nearly as much time on here thanks to Mrs. J. and her axe.

So you jog some, that is very good and wise sir Vincent! Have you ever tried taking Hyaluronic Acid for your knees? Because a lifetime ago I was in the floor maintenance business for about 25 years and much time was spent on my knees on hard tile floors.

So that really messed them up. But I found out about the Hyaluronic Acid supplements and started taking them. They actually rebuild the cushioning in the joints and the fluid, the synovial fluid.

It's been a miracle worker for me. You can research it on Purity Products website where their doctors list all the clinical trials and studies which prove it's ability to improve joints. The best thing I've ever done, I got too much work to do around here to be slowed by bad knees.

Thanks for the tip about the Hyaluronic acid. I will give it a try if the condition of the knees worsen. At the moment, apart from jogging, it hasn't stop me from doing anything.

Well my theory is to keep them from getting worse and I believe this can do that. In other words, it's harder to repair and restore once the damage is done.

Unless you want to go the medical route and get them replaced with titanium ones. The Bionic Sir Vincent!