Wednesday Walk - Snow day!


You know, I really did aim to fire up @actifit, get in at least 5k steps in a wintery wonderland and pop out a banging #WednesdayWalk post. Then, the snow started to fall, kids were told this morning that their return to school today would have to wait. Looks like it is a snow day!

So what the hell am I supposed to post? That I got a bunch of computer work done? Oh! How about the volunteer work through Maybe just a hint and then a full post tomorrow on the @town-crier


Here is the president of the Multicultural Association with a donation of money and works of art from a local artist. The support of this organization to the community and the reciprocity of that support back to this organization is heart-warming.

Until then, here is a look back on previous #wednesdaywalk posts to tide you over.


Lights On Stratford


Last Wednesday had us visit one of the local Lights On Stratford exhibits.


These have been taken down now that February has arrived but they definitely got people out for walks, Wednesday or not.


The Fall


If we are looking back, may as well get out of this cold winter and look back to the fall. Seems not that long ago and also very long ago at the same time that there were leaves on the trees and the lawns were green.


My little guy loved walks back then. Though he is not so little now, he loves pouncing through the foot-deep snow probably about as much. Now, when he squats for a piss, you can't even tell because the snow is up around his shoulders. More white stuff to come tonight and tomorrow apparently.


Back to Summer


If we are hitting the wayback machine, may as well head back to the dog days of summer. shorts and tshirts. Bare feet and beers and camp fires. Seems we are many months from that but time flies and I hope we are back there in a flash.


Makes me think of golfing again. We have the option to enjoy some indoor golf, as we did here It is great and will have to do now that therte is snow on the ground and the courses don't even open for another few months. Still, nothing like wandering around and playing a round outdoors in the scuplted nature.


Back to Winter


For now, I will simply enjoy winter. They say if you choose not to enjoy winter, you will have just as much snow and less joy. Maybe my shovelling tomorrow will make for good @actifit steps? Maybe the accumulation tonight will make for another snow day for the kids? Most likely.

One thing for sure is I have to stay on @pjansen's Top 500 Actifit leaderboard as I have been slacking lately. See you Next Wednesday and perhaps for a Sublime Sunday.

Here's to a glorious winter Wednesday.



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Are you in a snowy region at the beginning of February?


I love the winter. Getting lots of walks in with Lola. She loves the snow.



That is awesome. Great exercise and such a nice thing to do for a dog.

Our oldest one isn't much in the extreme cold so I am looking forward to warmer weather.

This weather at the moment is sure making it hard to get active and out and about a cool idea to revisit some of tyour previous walks

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

Yah I have been trying to get back to a post a day so that I can interact with the blockchain as I once did. Finding myself having fun telling simple stories rather than having a whole news article worth of message and content. ;)

I think the key is having fun 👍

I really want to golf more this year! I cannot wait for spring and the courses to open up.

You and me both! Video Golf will do for some fun in the winter but real golf is where it is at!

Here is the president of the Multicultural Association with a donation of money and works of art from a local artist.

I don't know why but I read something about donkeys there and was looking right t the words! Hey how old is your Springer?

He is actually a brittany and is like 6 months old?

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