New Cannabis Ads Running Around the Country Highlight Absurdity of Cannabis Prohibition

in #weedcash3 years ago

Jay-Z's Monogram cannabis brand has launched a new ad campaign that is highlighting the hypocrisy of anti-cannabis legislation around the country.

The clever and educational cannabis ads are intended to bring some attention to some of the ridiculous laws that are on the books right now in different states nationwide.

The company has released a variety of graphics that highlight how people in the U.S. can engage in a myriad of controversial or dangerous activities, such as have sex with farm animals in some regions or engage in cannibalism, but they still don't have cannabis freedom.

The ads are thanks to an agency called Mischief and they've come up with the campaign in partnership with Monogram, Jay-Z's cannabis company. They want to bring attention to the areas where cannabis still isn't legalized yet. Many people might not be aware that they can engage in some of those activities and they might wonder why they can do those but not light up a simple joint.

You can marry your first cousin in more states than you can buy recreational cannabis

That is just one of the headlines that the ad campaign shares.

Along with that message is another that reads it is also illegal to fly with your AK-47 in checked luggage, but they mean the strain of cannabis, not the gun. Another reads 'It's legal to text and drive in two states. It's illegal to smoke weed at home in 17. Which one costs more lives?' these are great common sense ad campaigns that can help to erode the stigma and spread some cannabis education around the country.

The billboards are going to be running for at least 2 weeks in areas like L.A., San Fran, New York, Chicago, Washington, D.C., and Miami. There might be more to come as well. They chose the regions that they did because of the borders between the states where trucks and ads will be positioned.

The two neighboring states in each circumstance have some of the most starkly opposing cannabis rules in the country and they want to bring attention to that. This is borders like Colorado/Wyoming, Colorado/Kansas, Oregon/Idaho, Nevada/Idaho, Michigan/Wisconsin and other areas.

They've launched this campaign to essentially tie in with the 50th anniversary of the Controlled Substances Act for which cannabis never should have been added to.



I'm not sure that these billboards are anything more than self-promotion. These billboards / ads should be in those states where these laws exist. There's inertia in laws. I'm sure there still places with horse and buggy laws even though there's no longer a purpose for those laws.

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