Tip of the Day: Use WeedCash Site to Earn both STEEM and WEED

in #weedcash5 years ago (edited)

As I move along to understand how to use the WeedCash site, I will share tips that I gather in my discovery.

Here is a tip** I learned today while using the WeedCash Network Site: Always work from the WeedCash Site!

Sometimes it can be confusing when we learn how to use a new site.

The interface of WeedCash Site looks exactly like the Steemit site except for the LH corner logo there.

Sometimes I thought I was working from the WeedCash site when I was actually working from the Steemit site or vice versa.

I always have to look at the URL to make sure that I am on the WeedCash site and not on Steemit.

Why is this so important?

Big Tip: Get Both Steem & Weed Rewards

  • If you want to get Weed rewards, you need to create your post on the WeedCash site!

  • If you post from the Steemit site, you won't get Weed rewards even if you use the right tags.

When you post on WeedCash site, your post automatically appears on Steemit.

  • If you want Weed rewards, always post from the WeedCash site.

  • In the above screenshot, you see WEED reward

  • WeedCash site does not show Steem rewards at all.

  • This screenshot is the same post I made from the WeedCash site

  • Steemit will show only Steem rewards; it will not show WEED rewards

Tip for Today: Post from WeedCash site to get both Steem and Weed Rewards!

On the same post, I get double rewards:

  • I made 0.49 STEEM
  • I made 36.70 WEED

Pretty cool eh? I get a higher WEED reward than STEEM in the same post!

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My issue is a lot of content is in Korean or Japanese, is there a translation button or no?

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