How I spent my last weekend🥰😚😍 ......

Hello everyone 😊
It's been long I posted here and I'm sorry for that. My exams just finished and I am free for now.


My weekend was amazing and was wonderful. I have been in bayelsa for a very long time and I was to go to Port Harcourt for a wedding, that week was a stressful one I had mostly two papers to write some days and most times they do clash.


On friday 1st of December
I had just one paper and I wanted to travel that day cause on Saturday was the wedding. I have not packed my bags, I didn't even have transport to go back home. I made few calls and I got my transport fare to go back home and jumped out of bed cause I was already late for exams, I rushed inside the bathroom,bath and dressed up to go out. My dear reaching out I stopped a motorcycle to take me to school and this man had no pity to tell me 500 Naira for something of 150 Naira that's how I told him sir don't worry I entered another motorcycle that took me to school.


After exams I rushed back to my room to pack up, when I checked the time, I was late. I have not collected my aseobi clothe neither have I done my nails. I started rushing, packed up and let the key for my roommate. Reaching the park where I would enter taxi to yenagoa, they told me one thousand two hundred Naira for something of one thousand Naira only. I just entered because I was late already, I arrived at yenagoa and boarded a bus to Port Harcourt for just Two Thousand Five Hundred Naira. When I reached I had no transport to my house so I called my friend to come and pick me at rumuokoro park.
Do u know that he carried me to eat first cause I felt weak and wanted to faint, after eating. I got myself and he carried me to do my nails and to my house to drop my bags. I was happy cause he relieved me the stress, I saw my mom and my sisters well the bride doing the wedding mother's is my mom's friend so she escorted me to collect the clothe and remained there. I went back home and I helped my sister do her nails and I went to bath so that I can sleep well.
The next day, 2nd of December
The D-day I woke up by 4 something am. I was having this pain on my stomach, thinking it was because I didn't at night the other day to my surprise it was my period even after I had begged it not to show up till after my exams. I had no choice I went to bath then change and rested for a while before going to do my makeup.
During my makeup section I was given food 😃 which I have never experienced it before. Finished my makeup around 9 something and the wedding starts by 10am, that's how I started rushing to dress and do everything. Reaching the church nothing has started so we waited at the children department around 11.30am, we entered inside and the bride and groom was joined in holy matrimony and due to the fact it was The Apostolic church, Nigeria they closed around 1 something in the afternoon.
We were already tired, in fact I was tired cause I haven't rested well for days then this again we started the reception around 2.30pm. Due to the fact the hall was small we were told to sit outside. And this wedding was on the third floor so that how we were climbing up and down,to serve food for my team up and down, this is how I looked at everything ooo.





The wedding ended in praise and I was tired so we had to go home. Coming out we saw a friend and he carried us to the church premises, we treked home that's how blessing said let's go and see mama our friend,Do you know I forgot I was on my period and I stayed a little that's how my clothe got stained. I rushed home to bath and change and then I came out again and I went to see my uncle but he was not around, I stayed small and I went back home, bathed again and slept off.
**On Sunday,3rd of December **
On Sunday was our Annual harvest in my church. I had to dress my best even if I was unhappy sha but I enjoyed myself.







I went back home even before the church closed cause I had to be on my way to Bayelsa, I had exams the next day so I went back to pack and prepare everything and to also carry foodstuffs but my dad said don't carry the rice that he will buy rice for me.
My dad bought the rice and dropped me at rumuokoro where he paid my transport back to school.
I had the best week end ever.



Hope the exam went well! When I see your title, I instantly remembered of Weekend experience. You might want to check out the community and subscribe there. Just in case you have more weekend stories to tell!

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Have a great weekend!

Thank you I will check it out