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RE: Bugs to Fight Climate Change

in #weflast year

Once again, you hit the MARK with this perspective! (Ha!)

I think that's what propaganda is. We get fed values that sound great and make sense, and we buy in. Yet the problem is that it's someone's version of those values. And this version gets to decide the "green" policies and initiatives that govern these values, as opposed to it being a democratic commons process. Then the actual reality of what will happen usually doesn't entail what we're being told to believe, and instead benefits the agendas of the wealthy few. I like what Iain Davis says about how it doesn't matter if you believe climate change is real or not. Nature will still be privatized and the environment will be destroyed under policies and efforts that claim to be sustainable or green.


Haha for sure. Fortunately, the greenwashed future being manufactured for us isn't the only possible future.