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RE: Hive Post Deleted - I No Longer Support This Blockchain

in #welcometosteemit6 years ago

Hey thanks for the summary. Very helpful.

15% of coins go to everyone holding SteemPower in their accounts (based on how much they hold)

Can you explain how this works? I have not heard of it and I also never got any payout (ok I guess I also hold way too little SP got get any). Thanks!


SteemPower is simply a calculation of your vests, and how much steem they are worth. Vests become worth more STEEM every day, so if you have 1 million vests, then right now they're worth just under 500 Steem, but in a year they will be worth much more. There are no payouts or anything, the number just constantly goes up. Here is the current rate, and up in the article the word vests links to my 2 Minute Steemit Tip all about how that works.