The Question 'Why?'

in #why2 years ago

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"Why" helps us understand the world. We as humans like to make sense of whats going on around us, creating theories and stories and religions to try to make sense of our existence since the beginning of civilization. Thats why children(most of them who are raised right) like to ask so many questions about different things. We feel the need to understand our surroundings and our relation to it. Now that science has managed to explain quite a lot with "facts and logic" we as a modern society dont feel that need as much anymore. The search for the truth has become meaningless because from the facts and logic of science many of us came to the conclusion that there is no "why" to us, to humanity. To some people that is the ultimate truth: That there is no point, and no point in asking why anymore. I myself dont feel the need for a "why" to everything, let alone my existence. But that is my best explanation as to why "why" exists, to ultimately understand our existence to the best of our abilities.