
So @mikewick77... to answer your question,
SteemPower replenishes over the course of a day.
Wait 24 hours and check your Resource levels. The system is just designed to give humans the advantage over the BOTS and Algos so you actually have a daily limit of usage based on your Stake. I hope this helps. SteemON Bruv!


i get carried away sometimes!


planning my next assault into flatliners plainscape.

Carl Wickland
Gateway of Understanding
Thirty Years Among the Dead

Wickland turned away from conventional medical psychology and toward the belief that psychiatric illnesses were the result of influence by spirits of the dead.

Wickland came to believe that a large number of his patients had become possessedby what he called "obsessing spirits", and that low-voltage electric shocks could dislodge them, while his wife Anna acted as a medium to guide them to "progress in the spirit world".

Spiritualists considered him an authority on "destructive spirits" and he wrote a book in 1924, Thirty Years Among the Dead, detailing his experiences as a psychical researcher.

Wickland was convinced that he was in contact with a group of spirits known as the "Mercy Band" who would remove the possessors, and help them in the spirit world.

the same way remote viewing works, i want to map the underworld with a microscope.

similar to how victims of cancer learn everything about the disease.


until we respect the planet & all of its lifeforms, including ourselves, the nature spirits will be against us.

archon are spiritual equivalent to virus & bacteria, a shamanic approach to the microbes might be a solution?