Draconian Conditions Layed Out By Ecuador For Restoring Julian Assange's Freedoms

in #wikileaks6 years ago (edited)

WikiLeaks on Twitter   LEAKED  Here Are the Demands Ecuador Has Given Julian Assange in Order to End His Isolation https   t.co 8VytPpsTPc .png

Wikileaks on Twitter

Word that Ecuador was set to lift the severe isolation its government had placed on Julian Assange at the embassy in London began to circulate on social media on Sunday.

Newly appointed Wikileaks editor-in-chief, Kristinn Hrafnsson, was encouraged by the development but cautioned there remain deep concerns that Assange's freedom of speech was still severely restricted.

It is positive that through UN intervention Ecuador has partly ended the isolation of Mr. Assange although it is of grave concern that his freedom to express his opinions is still limited.

The Guardian

Courage Foundation on Twitter   Julian Assange’s communications partly restored by Ecuadorian government    but still limits his freedom of expression https   t.co 0B0utKw3KT… https   t.co nfQujxr1r5 .png

Severe limitations on Assange's freedom to communicate were imposed on the Wikileaks founder shortly following the election of Lenin Moreno as the new president of Ecuador earlier this year. In March 2018, Assange was cut off from the internet as were all communications with the outside world including visitors to the Ecuadorian Embassy. With the exception of Wikileaks lawyers, Assange has been in complete isolation from the outside world for nearly 7 months - in total violation of his human rights.

Prior to being stripped of his right to free speech, the United Nations ruled that Julian Assange is being "arbitrarily detained" at the embassy surrounded by 24hr British security and surveillance.

Supporters who have been tirelessly fighting to have Julian's human rights reinstated have been cautious not to celebrate a victory too soon. Reaction from the #unity4j movement spearheaded by @suzi3d and by a massive collective of activists from around the world have been holding monthly online vigils fighting a relentless campaign to restore Julian's human rights has also been circumspect, and for good reason.

Reporter Cassandra Fairbanks has just leaked excerpts of a nine-page document issued (in Spanish) by the Ecuadorian government that lays out the conditions that would partially restore Assange's communications.

Full Article: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/10/leaked-here-are-the-demands-ecuador-has-given-julian-assange-in-order-to-end-his-isolation/


Draconian Conditions to End Isolation

Any notions proclaiming that Assange's rights have been restored can only be considered gross distortions of reality. The conditions, leaked by Fairbanks and the Gateway Pundit, validate the suspicions by Assange's supporters that his right to free expression would remain severely limited.

At the time of writing, it's unclear if Julian Assange has agreed to these conditions or rejected them.

Here's a summary of the conditions in bullet form.


  • Visitors (with the exception of Ecuadorian officials) will need to request prior authorization in writing addressed to the Chief of the Embassy of Ecuador.
  • Visitors will need to include their full names, nationality, copies of identification, reason for the visit, their profession and workplace, email accounts and links to their social media,...

  • Provide SERIAL NUMBERS for any phones or tablets they wish to keep with them during the visit.
  • The IMEI of visitor’s cellphone chips is also required for their intelligence collection operation.
  • This must be sent through email, a return email obtained, and that must be printed and brought to the appointment.
  • Certain exceptions for frequent visitors - letter of identification which they will only have to renew every three months.
  • Should the embassy refuse to allow someone access, THEY WILL NOT BE PROVIDING ANY REASON WHY.
  • Gov of Ecuador - reserves the right to decline or cancel any authorization at any time, even for those who have been previously authorized as a frequent visitor.
  • The embassy will be keeping a record of all visits made to Assange and the data that they provide. This information will be sent to the Ecuadorian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other UNAMED AGENCIES.
  • Mr. Assange is limited to have up to three visitors at once, unless cleared by the head of the embassy.
  • People who violate the rules of their visits or display a lack of “appropriate behavior” during the visit will be reported to British authorities.


  • Mr. Assange will be liable for any costs for WiFi
  • Mr. Assange may only use his own tablets, phones or computers except in exceptional cases and only with written permission from Ecuador.
  • Ecuador shall not be liable for the contents of his communications, statements, documents or messages on social media
  • While “exercising his right of communication and of freedom of expression,” Mr. Assange is prohibited from activities that could be considered political or interfering in the affairs of other nations or that may damage the relationship between Ecuador and other states.



    • Mr. Assange must submit to the quarterly evaluations with medical specialists at his own expense.
    • The results of any examinations will be kept private.
    • “In case of a medical emergency or at the express request of Mr. Assange, the Head of the Mission will authorize your transfer, as soon as possible, to receive care from physicians outside the Embassy”

      (Emphasis added by @v4vapid)


    Leaked Document in Spanish via @krnel

    These are harsh conditions to be sure.

    Considering Julian's health is in poor condition and in order to seek medical treatment he may need to consider this rotten deal.

    As a supporter of Julian Assange and as a participant in the #unity4J movement, I think that this 'agreement' reads like a trap. The purpose of which is to give the appearance of freedom but ultimately the Ecuadorian Government is laying the groundwork for Assange to violate these ridiculously stringent conditions. They can and will use any violation of this agreement to revoke his asylum and remove him from the embassy.


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Gov of Ecuador - reserves the right to decline or cancel any authorization at any time, even for those who have been previously authorized as a frequent visitor.

So by manipulating the circle jerk of politics they (i.e c.i.a and m.i.5 etc etc) can basically monitor, background check and then perpetually track anyone that wants to visit Assange .. and then tell the embassy to retract the invitation at any time? What a trade eh? Who the hell is going to go for that? Basically just another way of continuing his confinement but masking it under the "if you have nothing to hide" bullshit that plagues our society .. what a joke!

You're right on the money, they want to access to all of Assange's friends and associates and to all their devices (their contacts, personal data, msgs. photos, call records,etc) so they can profile, intimidate and silence them as well. It is a joke!

And yes, it seems very clear that they will hide behind a paper thin veneer of humanitarianism and civility while imposing even stricter conditions upon dissenters.

Visitors could always use a different device with a different SIM to what they normally use. That would be one way around it the demand for device information.

Looks like they only gave in as little as possible they could get away with.
By that @lenin shown his cards again to both sides of the table.

Ultimately being the hypocrite who makes a lot of bravura and then cuts his finger with his own countries bureaucracy. Over time this will keep hurtng @lenin as the people of Ecuador can see what this man is about.


Well, this is basically bully tactics, to simply intimidate anyone from outside the embassy from getting involved in these affairs. Make the rules/guidelines totally ridiculous deliberately , so people feel helpless to the cause. I suppose this is to be expected when we know who is behind it all.

Thank you for your sharing
I admire your effort for better world

thanks for keeping us informed and updated on the situation

Nice terrible terms and conditions wonder if any more human right can be destroyed apart from the above, if he is not in any dire situation, I see the above as a big NO

All the people that care should all gather together and go and get him out of there. Then protect him from the psychopaths. The collective power of many has more force than the puppet strings controlled by just a few.

I find it interesting they want links to their social media. I wonder if Ecuador knows about Steemit.

Yeah, it seems to be WAY over the top and in continued violation of human rights.
It's disgusting what they're doing to him, it's inhumane.

lol, yeah, maybe Moreno should make an account here and explain to us how Asylum rights and Ecuadorian law can be circumvented :/

So basically let the CIA tap into any internet connected device on the premises and you can visit him, as long as you don't address any of the current issues and you aren't on a watch list yourself? Sounds about right.

I know right!?

So he can talk about sports (not national sports though) and call his family once in a while.
Thanks Ecuador - where do I sign up?!

The limited exposure to sunlight alone is enough to negatively effect Assange's health.

For real, he must be in very rough condition these days after so many years without sunlight - it's tragic.

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I Think that the US is also coercing Ecuador in squeezing Mr. Assange. Check-mate for the poor guy @v4vapid I don't think he has no way out or even to express his words and expose out.

It looks dire for Assange but there is still hope and still thousands of people fighting to get him out of that prison.

Thank you for keeping us updated. The information is very useful

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for keeping us updated. The information is very useful

Posted using Partiko Android

Good work. Followed

Jesus Christ. How long has he been stuck in that building now? I’d have built a hot air balloon and escaped by now.

Posted using Partiko iOS

 6 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment