Alternative to Wikipedia where you can earn money

in #wikipedia4 years ago

Huma2 is aiming to become a for profit wiki platform which allows millions of users all over the world to earn money collecting, editing & organizing information.

“I think of it like an ant colony. Everybody busy and everybody profiting from anything they can find for the benefit of the colony” Danji, owner of

“3 days after launch we already are receiving visitors and we have 2 editors that contributed to articles. Beginnings are always hard.” Danji

they just introduced translations. So if you put in “translate love” it will give you a list of hundreds of languages to add your translation in your native language. You can also add phrases so people can learn those phrases
“Artificial intelligence is never going to be smart enough to understand and accomodate to all variations of languages. Especially urban and colloquial ways to say things. While we will add artificial intelligence for various tasks at some point we think humans will remain irreplaceable for quiet some time” Danji
They just introduced a bounty where you can earn $50 for writing the first article that starts receiving traffic from google search engine

What differentiates Huma2 from Wikipedia
All kinds of articles are allowed not just those that fit certain parameters. Additionally, all members that contribute will receive a large share of the revenues. At some point we will use cryptocurrency to distribute those payments.

What is planned in the near future
You will be able to spawn discussions around certain topics. The search engine will get improved as we get a systems and search engineer on board. Also a news system will be implemented so people can see whats new around certain topics.
Signup now to contribute today