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RE: Winter Morning Walk

I don’t mess around when it’s this cold and snowy outside. Me and my winter clothes are so happy to go outside in proper winter weather.

+47 is just agony, unless it’s in sauna, but then it is actually too cold 😁 I do hope you can have a chance to witness -25, it’s a joy!

Sorry I’ve been off Hive for the past weeks, haven’t really felt like being active. But I do keep my eye on cupcakes and such😉


It's difficult to imagine what it must be like to be honest...I mean I've been cold, but that's something else again. +47 is terrible and I hate it but it's a reality of where I live and so we have to accept it.

It' seems you have a very good cupcake-security focus...This is a good thing because with me around...Well let's just say * no cupcake is safe!* 😀