There is no influence like the influence of habit. (Gilbert Parker)

in #wisdomlast month

Man, I was listening to some music in the background, but as I had to sing along I wasn't able to start writing, so now I turned off the music to write a few words of wisdom to teach myself on this beautiful Sunday.

What is the wisdom of the day?

There is no influence like the influence of habit. (Gilbert Parker)


What does that even mean? I have to think about it for a second myself? Influence... to be influenced, and to influence others. Well, those are great things, and I certainly see the need in my own life for being influenced by other people in a good way. We all need to have those people surrounding us that influence in a positive and inspiring way. But, we cannot always have those people around us, and sometimes, the safety net will be broken. What will happen then? If you rely on the people around you to be your safety net, then you will always be in grave danger.

But, if you have solid habits and a solid foundation, you will be able to stand and keep walking, even when the safety net around you is getting weaker. So, you should definitely invest in spending time with people who influence you in a positive way. Unfortunately, most influencers in todays world do the opposite.

So, instead of living under bad influence, find good influencer, and even more importantly, get good habits that you will do every day, no matter what is going on around you.


its so hard to develop habits, specially when it goes in the opposite direction to our bad ones, I have been trying to wake up early for the longest but at least now I wake up by myself but this took me months, now Im trying to wake at 5 a.m instead of 7 a.m and influence is the worst when it comes to habits, probably easier to develop habits alone