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RE: SirCork Witness Report: Time for some 'splainin'...

in #witness-category7 years ago

This was never a war Sircork. We have community standards and rules. You were breaking them. No one wanted to ban you or kick you. We needed the behavior to stop and you needed time to do it.

I call you brother. I mean it, but I'm nervous about your sincerity given your history. This is on my radar. I hope you can tow the line and act within community standards. Do that for a bit and we'll see what happens next.

Thanks for reaching out. It's a good place for a deliberately slow new start.


First off, I didn't call to come back. Also, You never produced the evidence. Third, that standard seems a little different for one certain dethroned senior mod who has "multiple violations" and an admirer with rather new power and a rather subjective point of view. So you can continue to play that card, and there will continue to be a LOT of people who saw it otherwise, for what it really was.

Like the half dozen growing communities I mod in or support or have my project supported by.

Do what you gotta do with the truth. I'm willing to set your incomplete version of it aside. Are you?