Witness Tools 🔧: Conductor Docker

in #witness-category7 years ago (edited)

I wrote this docker container setup for @furion's conductor toolkit. It's a pretty nifty tool for managing witnesses.

Why docker it? Portability and security. @someguy123's master dockery inspired me too 😀 (I used his run.sh script as a template, thanks).

If you like it, vote for me as witness; instructions in the footer for this post.


git clone https://github.com/Jolly-Pirate/conductor-docker.git

cd conductor-docker

chmod +x run.sh

If you don't have docker installed, do it with

./run.sh install_docker

Build the container

./run.sh build


Starting the container: ./run.sh start

Entering the container: ./run.sh enter

Stopping and removing the container: ./run.sh stop

When you enter the container, you can type exit. This will leave it running of course.

./run.sh enter will re-enter it.

After entering the container, run conductor.

You can find detailed usages at the original link at https://github.com/Netherdrake/conductor.


If you stop the container, you will lose any settings you did with steempy or conductor. You'll have to re-enter them on restarting the container. Hence, the secure aspect of using docker setups.

Proud member and delegator of the @minnowsupport project.
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🗳 Check out my Steem witness application and vote for me. 🗳
Thank you.


Alternatively, you can issue this command in cli_wallet (after unlocking it)

vote_for_witness "YOURACCOUNT" "drakos" true true


Great content!
Thanks for sharing!

it is running ;-)
i have now a working witness, thank you. i have voted for you

Welcome aboard 🚢
I see that you also set me as a proxy, do you know what that does?

i vote you for witness