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RE: @jackmiller (eye)Witness-Update Part 2

in #witness-update4 years ago

A "fork" is a continuation of the chain and when that is accepted for the fact that it is, then it adds a new light upon the situation at hand.

We are all in it together as far as the blockchain scene goes, all the people out there on all the chains who are looking to make a better more transparent world for everyone.

As for those who are in it only for the money, sure, that is their thing and even though some may disagree with that approach, without them, the demand would be close to nothing, as it would be only altruists and utopians that would drive the demand on the markets.

The chain is what makes it all possible and as long as we keep that in mind, then the rest all falls in place.

As for the human factor, the emotions, yeah it sucks.

Don't know how else to put it when watching the mess that Steem has become. Can't say it doesn't affect me and many others who really loved the idea of making it become everything it can be.
Apart from the name "Steem", the chain is there, the people are there and the dream lives on. So that is definitely a good thing.

For those still trying to save the chain via the new governance and Steemit Inc. I wish them luck and hope that they too can appreciate the fact that we are all looking to achieve a better tomorrow.

Right or wrong isn't a problem, it is the motives behind the actions and decisions that are important and many are still wanting to save what they feel can be saved. I don't see an issue with anyone doing things for the right reasons.

Had to get that out of my system, sorry for the rant.

Guess, thinking about it all for the past days has gotten me all soft and emotional :)


Don’t be sorry! It was good to get your perspective.

I wish the loyalists well too. Maybe like me they will come around. Might just take time.