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RE: To Fork or Not to Fork?

in #witness-update6 years ago

Thank you for this detailed update Drakos. We have to trust in our witnesses to make the best decisions regarding what happens with the underlying code.

I don't know if this is publicly available information or not, but I would be interested to know which of our top 20 witnesses (if any) were NOT a part of the effort to get things back up and running September 17th. We all know some witnesses are more attentive than others, I believe those who are not part of keeping things up and running should be held accountable in the witness voting.

Thank you for having alarms set and making your witness nodes a priority. It does not go unnoticed and is appreciated!!!


It's a very valid question. As much as I would love to give individual credit to those who put efforts on that day, I think it's best that they write about their experience themselves and let their supporters be the judge. The timezone, work schedule, family matters or other engagements, they all affect the availability of each witness, which doesn't make them any lesser than others. Also, an event such as that, however critical it was, should not be the only metric in evaluating the overall community/technical input of a witness. The bottom line, each witness contributes in their own ways whenever humanly possible.