
OCD was not including in that group as it clearly shows OCD-Witness by Acidyo.

Posting is an action though. Some have not taken that action for years. . .

Well, the good thing about these price swings is that many have the chance to buy up a lot of stake now and after a month of powering up switch it up a bit in the witness section. ^^

Over time hopefully distribution of stake goes to the more active ones who'll care more about who else is active in witnessing along with witness vote decay coming up it surely will get a lot more fair up there!

Vote decay might even get more interested in setting up their own witness one day with there being an actual chance to not be stuck at the bottom with the inactive and dead.

You are not on that category, those who always love to check up on witness and see their performance knows witness who don't like making post but they are always active to ensure that the hive ecosystem is running.

It is glad to see that you are doing your best here and if there is any avenue to add more vote to OCD @acidyo , I will do so.

Finally, I am still one of those who don't check up on witness vote, I am guilty of this but change is the only constant thing.