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RE: Five Ways to Fix the Witness System

in #witness6 years ago (edited)

Good effort bro. I know very little of this subject but it sounds as though you have honest intentions so for what it is worth, you have my vote. Hope you get a good outcome from this but money and integrity do not mix so I think the chips will always fall the same way. I see a site that is supposed to be based on free will and acceptance, yet we already have cliques and exclusive groups. This behaviour stinks to me, but I am not surprised as folk are still straddling two worlds and we have no idea what equality is.


It will be interesting to see where this goes. But I suspect the chips are stacked heavily against anything meaningful changes.

Lol. Thanks for the reply mate. My god I was in a bad mood when I wrote this. Some truth in it though, but I can be negative when I feel like this. I really do need to be more positive ;)