
I'm not planning to have a public API node and witness node on the same IP. They will be separate computers and will have separate IP addresses.
My Server PC has two gigabit ethernet ports so could actually have separate internet connections on the one PC.

If you are talking about the IP of my main internet connection then this can be addressed with a VPN, including a router level VPN, or a secondary internet connection.

I haven't decided whether my Hive API node will be public or available only to a limited number of people / apps.

I am considering running it mainly to provide an API to a independent Hive-Engine node that will verify token balances and transactions for important Hive-Engine tokens.

I remember well that it said somewhere in the original steem repo, that the witness ip should be kept secret.

If you are talking about the IP of my main internet connection then this can be addressed with a VPN, including a router level VPN, or a secondary internet connection.

That's exactly what I mean.

Either node rerouted through VPN sounds like a major hassle and also might drop the response times significantly. I would check with some knowledgeable witnesses (perhaps in witness channel) or another sysop professional.

My guess would be: No good.

2 seperate connections would work fine, but then you are reaching a point where a datacenter (maybe a small business - for more decentralization) would be the wiser option ...

I think this curent post by @techcoderx provides the solution to running API nodes at home.

Run the API non-public facing and just run jussi on a very light weight datacenter node for $5 a month.

Sounds good.

btw I'm only trying to help - still supporting your witness.

Your comments are much appreciated.
Its good to be reminded of these things.
