
Well, if so he is footing the bill for two witnesses and one of them is losing money, which doesn't sound like the smart @arcange I know. He'd be better off just running one and capitalizing on his contributions that way. I mean it could be him, but it wouldn't make financial or witness campaign sense really for him to be both.

@steemitboard is a "project" witness, aiming to reward user for their achievements on the platform and to help them grow with a win-win-win idea. More info on this here.

Let's say @steemitboard has its own self-organic grow and its witness is a small plus.

Indeed, I'm loosing some money with this project. I should make more promotion, but I have never been the best at campaigning. And my goals in life are not only around money. Fun and positive feedback from users bring some compensation ;)

This is why I like you more than the other kids ;)

Thank you for coming to my bumbling rescue @arcange :) and for clarifying the difference between you and @steemitboard. Your selfless attitude is a great one!