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RE: List of low ranked and inactive witnesses

in #witness3 years ago

That was how it was in the past but this rule does not apply anymore. Unless a witness disables its account by broadcasting they disabling key it is still scheduled for producing but will miss blocks.

You can see by yourself, on Fri 27th Nov 2020 01:31 AM Sydney Time, I took these screenshots:
Screen Shot 2020-11-27 at 1.31.09 am.png

Screen Shot 2020-11-27 at 1.31.42 am.png

As noticed, @busy.witness has not disabled the witness for 38 weeks now, however does show that that witness has recently missed 3 blocks (see the +3 near the missed block count).

Check that page again tomorrow and notice the number of missed blocks would have increased.

If you now check the witness schedule ( you will noticed that some witnesses who have missed blocks for a long time are still scheduled. For example, @delegate.lafona is still scheduled to produce a block despite having missed blocks for the last 7 weeks.

Screen Shot 2020-11-27 at 1.36.00 am.png

Having stopped your witness for almost two years now, you mustn't know that change of rule inside the blockchain code.


What update was that ? When did that happen ?
And: Why ?

I can't exactly remember when it happened but it was before the split STEEM/HIVE. The reason, not sure...

It seems, you are right...
@delegate.lafona has missed blocks since yesterday.

Is there a knowledgable witness, who knows, why this was changed ?

@delegate.lafona, last a_slot: 47,677,689

current head block: 49,030,085

from get_witness_by_account


@ busy.witness: 41,435,907

Those are last produced block numbers not number of missed blocks