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RE: Five Ways to Fix the Witness System

in #witness6 years ago (edited)

Wowza! You make some great points!

They are points that I really agree with.

Acting on things are one of the most difficult things to do on steemit. Everyone is always too busy with this and that and self-voting. =P

I recently started my witness for the Qurator Project. We are online everyday and try to make a difference wherever we can. Ever since I joined the witness scene I realized just how much drama and politics there are behind the scenes. Not the way steemit should be run at all.

Witnesses spamming wallet/discord messages for vote. Paying for votes. Circle jerking like crazy. Not the steemit full of greed we need...

Let's hope and wait to see if there will be any improvements.

Resteemed and upvoted to remind me of that Ramble coming up. Really want to sit in on that one. =)