Witness, API node, the server, community.. An update on everything.

in #witness2 years ago

The witness & server

Alright.. The last week and a bit has been something of a nightmare.

Originally my witness node was only ment to be offline for a few days. Unfortunately I had some stability issues and issues setting up the software on my new server I was migrating to which has basically been the narrative these past 10 days.

After a great deal of faffing, research, rebuilding hardware and many failed OS installs I have finally managed to get a stable install of a VM specific OS called ncp-ng which is optimized and designed to run only one thing. Virtual machines.

This has made it a while lot easier to set things up, well after I learnt how to do the basics anyways. It also is running a lot smoother and the VMs performance is greatly improved as well.

As I type this I currently have Hived compiling on the VM and will be getting it synced up asap. Downloading the block_log takes about 2 and a half hours on my connection, I may be able to cut the replay time down if I can somehow get my snapshot off my backup drive and onto my host. Linux doesn't really like talking to windows filesystems.

I also have my blurt witness to set up which will be exceptionally simple.

Then it's just running it for a few days to keep an eye on stability.

Api node

I'm still not 100% sure when the hivemind/haf based account history stuff is ready for production. I'll have to look at the github and check. If it's all pretty much ready to go I'll set up my node to run an api node. It'll probably be public. maybe. I don't have the best upload in the world but it's adiquate for some use cases. Plus I can use it for the AlloyXuast community frontend.

AlloyXuast Community

This has been on the backburner for quite a bit, Assides from rebuilding the apps website and alloyxuast community website to run on next.js and be unified under a single codebase, I've also been neglecting to stream to the community channel, The alloyxuast witness was also hosted on my hardware so it is also down atm.

Generally when things calm down I'll actually have some time to concentrate or at least try to a bit of work on the websites.
I've got the basic project setup, found is cool modules which'll make work much easier. Just got a lot to do IRL as well as being outragiously stressed pretty much all the time these days.

There's a ton of big idea's surrounding Alloyxuast, NFT system, our own frontend for hive, our own token perhaps built on honeycomb.
All this stuff we plan to look into, as soon as the core site is actually done.

My fish

A week ago I made a post about how one of my fish had seemingly died and how I managed to save it, I'd like to say that the fish is doing very well and seems to have very few sideeffect from what happened.

Money... Ugh

I have a few expensive things I need to get for the server, one being a UPS power backup system. Powercuts are getting rather common here which is really annoying, and while I do have a method to very quickly recover the hive node, i'd actually like to have a system shut everything down cleanly should the power go out.

I've also got a million and one things to spend money on too, for house improvements(underlay and carpet everything is like 8 years old and disintergrating), the car needs work perhaps a new turbo.. I need to get a new filter system for one of my fishtanks, I need to replace the light on my main fish tank..

A lot to buy and not a lot of money to buy it.. at the moment. Mainly cause of what I spent on this server so far. But now that it's actually working I can stop spending money like mad and let my accounts recover.

So yeah.. Lots going on. Stressed to all hell but that just life really.

If you enjoyed my post feel free to upvote, reblog, and drop a comment below too!

You could also vote for me as a hive witness and a Hive-Engine witness!
I'm a high availability witness, I'm always at my computer which houses my witness so can fix problems very quickly unless im sleeping. =p

Where to find me:

PeakD | hive.blog | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Youtube | 3Speak| Vimm.tv

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