
Hmm thats very weird, I'd definitely look into what could be eating that storage. How much space do you have? df -h should give a nice summary.

so there is some left, but not too much I guess

0 Avail mens there's nothing left. My sysadmin skills are meh at best so this is usually something I'd end up asking a friend about how to reclaim some disk space. Sorry I couldn't be more help onto this step.

So I have to start over completely, as it seems. I have ordered 400GB more, but as mentioned above can´t utilize it as this needs a script for which is no space :(
So should I delete everything?

I recommend at least a 1TB HD.

I will try next with 800GB, it should also be affordable.

You shouldn't need to delete EVERYTHING. Try stopping the node, removing the block_log.archive and then running the needed scripts, then starting the node again. It will take a while to get back started again, but it should be nowhere near the 3 days it took at first.

I removed that log files, but after that nothing worked. I will get now the 800GB implemented hopefully soon and start over.

At the end I restarted the server from scratch, but finally all is now up and running. Just one question left for now: How to get this description in which some have? You know that one-liner showing up in the peakd witness list like "supporting xyz".

Nice, if you go to your profile, there's an "account actions" button, and after that press "edit account profile". You'll see a witness description line and you can put it in there.

I would start with the following commands:

cd | du -h | sort -h

That will show you what's using up disk space in ascending order.