Zappl Inc has done it! - @zappl is now a Witness!

in #witness6 years ago (edited)



Zappl is a short form micro-blogging platform that runs on the Steem Blockchain that launched October 2017. We allow everything from image to video uploading. Zappl will be soon launching it's encrypted chat features for the apps and website. Currently zappl has a web portal, Android app with and also a Ios app still in review. Zappl has a character limit of 240 chars and allows you to set tags in your posts.

Zappl hopes to bring value to the Steem Blockchain and hopefully to smt's when they are launched. Down below you will see some of our developments and accomplishments for the Blockchain and zappl.

Vote for Zappl As Witness


Some of Zappls Accomplishments:

  • Been active in many Steem circles contributing ideas and help with development.
  • We launched Zappl's beta October 2017
  • Created a community of users on discord with over 300 users
  • Successfully been in contact with exchanges to gain STEEM/SBD fiat pairs.
  • and more.

Working on actively:

Why you should vote for @Zappl


We hope to bring a developers program that will offer private resources to dedicated developers who continue to help prop up the Steem Blockchain. Our goals is also to create a bot @zappy to actively curate content and rewarding people with up votes for being active on the Blockchain. Zappl also hopes to be an advocate for more features for more content styles and applications which we feel would benefit all.

Witness reward allocation:

Zappl hereby publicly agrees to use 100% of its rewards we earn as witness will be used to add value to the network such as keeping witness up to date, help maintain the 6 nodes we hope to set up world wide and too set up @zappy. We want to have stronger nodes in more places instead of just having people sitting on a few. This will allow for better load balancing of the network.

Technical specs of Zappls Witness Server:

CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1270 v6 @ 3.80GHz
Cores : 8
RAM: 64gb
Disks: 2 x 450 GB SSD'S
Network connection: 1 Gbps

Zappl looks forward to helping add value to the whole Steem community.
Do us a favor and vote for us as witness


The Zappl Team Our social media profiles and misc:

Twitter | Facebook | Discord | steemitchat | telegram
Follow, Upvote, Comment, ReSteem, Share
@thedegensloth, @steemitqa, and @zappl

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Voted @zappl for witness successfully

got my vote for your witness, good luck.

Do you even Zap bro?!

I do. Do you?

I do but not often enough. I need that iOS app my dude!!

Wow, a lot of new stuff was developed since the last time i looked at zappl!

Zappl is a great product, and I'm proud to vote for you as witness.

Voted @zappl as Witness successfully


So will the value of Zappl be translated in some form or fashion to STEEM token holders? Or do we need to buy a Zappl token to participate in the potential uptick in value?

Zappl uses steem tokens, if you mean the smt, we haven't posted a plan yet. Were currently getting ready for smt's though.

Beauty. So by owning STEEM tokens we essentially own ZAppl in a round about way. Do I have it right? Still getting my head around this new form of organization.

Well currently we use the same wally as steemit. So your power and payments are the same way your paid on steemit. In steem sbd and steem power.


woot, woot!

.Our goals is also to create a bot @zappy to actively curate content and rewarding people with up votes for being active on the Blockchain.

this is wonderful :) congratulations !!

Well thanks.

Fiat support? Yes please!


oh, ya!

Congratulations on this new trip as a witness you have my support.

Better invest in LISK <#


Thanks for the support.

Is it a coincidence that the same day @zappl gets a witness server running that the minnows run out of bandwidth? Ha ha


It would appear so.

This is really a great innovation... I love this. I vote for @zappl

This is really a nice app, developers are above board there. and its improving but can you add one extra option like 1) sent messages can be unsent or removed from the person's chat box . and 2) make it time-locked encryption algorithm!(encryption - time-locke) because when user set a time period just like 10 sec or 10 mint or 10 hour . it will delete (decrypt at a certain time period ) automatically after finishing given user time period.
hope you like my advice :)
but over all really nice app
waiting for next chapter

keep moving foreword
thank you

Woohoo!! Congrats! I have proxied my it possible to choose an individual vote then proxy the rest?

I look forward to the fiat pairs and the DV cards

I'm not sure about the vote thing.

I'll check into that

CONGRATS... STILL WAITING FOR iOS I keep pestering you about ;)

Yes i zapp every day and for ever
Thank you 😄

Glad to hear it, thanks for the support.

You will be a great leader , no doubt about it, thanks

Voted! Can I get a witness? Looking forward to the visa debit card!

yesh--witnes is easy ...infact i am helping people create witness ---

I have no idea before about Zapp.
Now I am a well-known person and I will be sharing it on my facebook group.@zappl voted as a witness

Thanks for the vote for witness and spreading the Zappl love!

You got my vote can count on it

Keep up the great work!

Never knew that @zappl was aiming to be a witness. Great accomplishment!!! Super excited to grow this platform and overtake Twitter (and everything else that Tweets under the sun) :P

Always was the goal but instead of only having goals it was best to get things done.

ZAPPL making moves!

Love the idea! @zappl

Congrats guy's! I'm usually not very enthusiastic about witnesses, but this time I can say I am.

Well glad to hear it!

I have gotten to know you guy's and you guy's are genuine. 👍👍

Where do I get the prototype of the app?

Voted ! @zappl

Will having more apps on the blockchain cause transaction delays or is steems original concept sturdy enough to handle this type of expansion?

I analyze a few tokens each morning if your interested.

The blockchain is more than capable to take in more applications, unlike eth steemis in the low % of its usage.

Thanks for taking the time to answer. I believe you have a great concept and it should indeed add value to the steem platform as well.

Much success!

*witness *

its great

I back you 100%

upvote @zappl as witness successfully

Hmm I might have to try this

Just started in Steemit, this is one of the first post i check. Sounds really amazing. keep the steem blockachain on the rise. congrats @zappl

That is definitely good news. But it seems like I have to buy new mobile with upgraded processor to use the android app

Info: Why is better than

Am new to have heard about voting for witnesses in regard of the functions performed by them.... I quite concur that Zappl deserve to be @ the top

Thanks for the kinda words, were doing our best to bring value.

wonderful good luck

posting is very useful and very good

Awesome, you have my vote!

A twitter which pays. Cool.
I would love to have a character limitation of 300 tho.

Congrats and All the best!

hello i am new user in steemit .
i am a student and i am very por men
please follow me and some vots me .

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This post has received a 40.83 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @zappl.

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