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RE: Witness survey - holger80

I think that it is important that the costs of full node APIs are strongly reduced. Without fast full node APIs, nobody can use steem. When this succeeds, we can onboard more users without increasing the costs. The problem is that viewing old posts is quite costly, the post data cannot just be stored on a disc, they have to be partly stored in RAM, which is too expensive. I hope that steemit succeed in bring the down the costs.

This is the most important issue facing STEEM.


the post data cannot just be stored on a disc, they have to be partly stored in RAM

Wow I did not realize this. What has to be stored in RAM? Doesn't sound like a sustainable architecture as the blockchain grows.

Mostly the index of the database in order to be fast. Due to the huge blockchain data of two years, the indizes alone need a lot RAM. Then there is also cache. In the beginning of steem, this was not a problem. But now it is.

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