A Gandalf's pinkish hunt safari through Split Croatia.

in #wizardrylast month


«Many that live deserve death»
«And some that die deserve life»
¿Can you give it to them?
«Then do not be to eager to
deal out death in judgment»
«For even the very wise
cannot see all ends»

And well folks, excuse me if I didn't posted or commented anything during these last few days. But as you can imagine, I've been abroad and far away of my den along this week. I've been travelling and out of my peaceful cave in the mountains on a new search and capture mission in an international hunting safari to which I was compelled to attend in order to test new silent weapons of mass induction on some of my favorite preys.

Silent chemical weapons of mass destruction which I had the opportunity to test recently this year at the beginning of July in Malaga, Spain. And whose mission and tests were highly effective and successful. Since through them, I repeatedly inoculated my main prey on the spot with a good dose of my magical, ancestral and healing medicine. However, since July, I have managed to perfect big time both my laser sight silent blowgun as the darts and my magic potion to create consciousness.

So, this week I was necessarily forced to abandon my wizard's cave again, as I usually do every year around this time, of which I have been doing it for five years now. Because it is right around the months of September to October when the hunting ban period ends. And so I had to take advantage of these next two months to inoculate the second dose, the booster, to some of my already treated preys as well as look to inoculate other new ones that needs it with the potency of my new formula.

After all, and despite the annoyance, it is always a great pleasure for me to sneak along on these international furtive hunting safaris and later return back to my cave, after the adventure, with plenty of new Tzantzas to decorate my always growing hunting trophy room with pride and rejoice. Because as for today, I believe we're gonna greatly increase my unique collection of hunting trophies big way.

And well, once this introduction and clarification has been made with my apologies for my avid readers. Let us now continue with the account of some relevant and outstanding details of what this new poaching adventure abroad has meant to me so far.

As is my custom, first of all, always arrive very early and well in advance to the place where the massacre will be carried out to explore the entire terrain intensively and thus choose and plan the best views and points of attack, always going unnoticed.

Arriving very early in Split, Croatia.

Oh yeah, and after all the paperwork required at the airport, immediately and without wasting a second, I went out to the outskirts to take a taxi and begin right away the tour to thoroughly inspect all the places where I had been informed that all the victims preys would be gathered and congregate to begin planning my cleaning & healing work asap.

Fortunately, getting a taxi was very quick and easy. And in almost no time I had arrived at my first destination. The Meštrović Gallery. Where I was already certain that I would find my favorite prey of the safari. For which I immediately got to work, exploring the best points of attack in the area to apply the second dose and reinforcement of the potion to this wild beast, no matter how much it wanted to hide from people, from public view and above all from me. Its merciful executioner, healer and savior.

«Meštrović Gallery»

As you may have noticed from the photos, the area was completely tracked, scrutinized and studied beforehand and therefore the hunting mission turned out to be a complete success. Having found and chosen the best attack points from where to carry out the inoculations without missing a single shot. Since I usually never fail with my blowgun.

Not only was the main prey inoculated without mercy with a stronger second dose. I was also able to identify new preys that also needed a first dose and as you can see in the last photo, you can already witness the effects of their initiatory astral journey lying on the grass. As for the main prey, in case you didn't know. Well, just by «clicking» where you need to «click» you will discover quickly enough of who we're talking about.

Once the success of this first round of identification and treatments was carried out and celebrated. The next step was to head out without wasting time to explore all the other meeting sites of the day in the city. Information that had already been captured by my spy drones that hovered among the private conversations of the people present there and captured and stored through my ultrasonic WiFi headphones.

So, from that moment on, it was all a matter of visiting each of the planned locations well in advance and, just like with the museum, choosing the best attack points from where I would find my preys most off guard and vulnerable and inoculate them with a good dose of my potion of lucidity while I remaining completely unnoticed.

«Paradiso Bar»

«Restaurant Gusar»

Huy! Curiously, this exploration phase turned out to be much much simpler and faster than I expected. Since it basically consisted of locating the best sneak attack spots and identify the quantity, class and type of food, liquors, cocktails and alcoholic beverages that were served at each venue. Since it was obvious to me that it would be around these main areas of consumption where most of my preys would be concentrated. And once drunk, they would never know what the heck stung them.

So, all this inquiry and reconnaissance of the terrain ended up being as quick and easy for me as to plan in advance and control all the logistics of attack and conquest within these venues. That I even had plenty of time to stay there for a while snooping around and also had time left as to have a quiet coffee with some cookies in one of them. And then, in the second venue, also introduce between my wizard chest and back something a little bit more attractive, solid, heavy and juicy that would keep me energized, satisfied and happy during the day for a job well done.

«Diocletian Palace»

And yes, most of the raw action of exploration and reconnaissance of the terrain of this hunting safari plus my campaign of sanitation, transformation and conversion of lucidity among the attendees that I am doing here in Split, Croatia. It took place merely in the first few days of my arrival here. Between Tuesday, September 10 and Wednesday, September 11.

That is, between the first two days of massive heated talks and endless sweating conferences together with their fresher nights of ambitious, lustful, ostentatious and long-awaited evenings of necessary fun and relaxation.

As it is shown in all the photographs above, in which there were even ancient Romans commandeering, scraping and brushing down those who tried to enter the Diocletian Palace to saturate themselves even more with what would be taught in these endless talks of this HiveFest.

Nonetheless, the same as on Tuesday. On Wednesday I did exactly the same as the day before and I arrived there very early and well in advance to explore and define the best attack points within the venues long before the site began to get congested.

Therefore, I even had plenty of time as to have an appeased breakfast with a good creamy coffee and a crunchy chocolate croissant and some other sweets in Anonima Bottega Italiana. And then, I calmly headed to the Aquarelle Bistro just to check with what my preys would be intoxicated and numbed on Wednesday night so I could inoculate them with my revitalizing and transformative potion without having to hide much and without much effort. Hide for what? If they were already going to be out of combat!

"Thu 12 Sept, sudden change of plans"

Originally, Thursday 12th (or Friday 13th) was supposed to be a day for collective sunbathing with those already inoculated with my voodoo potion via a small cruise along the coasts of the Adriatic Sea. But the ever-not-so-infallible weather forecasters of the place, apparently convinced to the event organizers that that day would rain lightnings, thunders and thunderbolts and everyone would run the risk of ending up in the darkest and deepest abyss of the blockchain there. So the cruise was cancelled.

And then, as it was decided later that it would be rather a free day so that everyone could do whatever they wanted, as visiting museums, the whole city and knowing nice places they really wanted to see and enjoy in Split Croatia. I, who have always known very well the lousy poor work that weather forecasters do. I actually did go to the place where the sailing and sunbathing would take place and decided to take a nice dip in the salt water while interacting socially with some pretty local girls there who ended up being my good friends. Who said fear to the bad weather? ¿Huh?

And later, in that same evening, everyone was invited to agglomerate and try to have a good time at the Billiard City Club supposedly to share the experiences from their private strolling around the city while trying to get drunk by playing a few matches of Billiard, Pool and whatnot. A proposal that seemed highly tempting to me to attend. Given the prospect of being able to pluck and skin to a lot of unsuspecting victims in the art of gambling on both sports and come away of there with a nice haul of HBDs from anyone who dared to play, compete and bet against me.

But nah, too much risk for my anonymity, privacy and poaching. So, I decided not to even show my nose around there so as not to be discovered prematurely on my implacable hunting safari in search of preys for my ruthless campaign of witchcraft, healing and transformation. Since I know very well that I still have many more that need to be inoculated.

«Antique Bar»

As today, Saturday, I have already noticed that I am a bit tired and that it also seems that I got a little more sunburned than usual during my dip in the Adriatic Sea with my new girlfriends during these past exhausting days of relentless hunting. So, I decided that today I would sleep and rest for most of the day to recover energy and mental acuity in the art of camouflage and concealment for what is gonna happen tonight starting from 19:00 p.m. and until my old handsome body can no longer take it.

It really doesn't matter if I lose the wonderful experience and the thrill of riding along in the Hive Rally Car as it tours around a racetrack in the early afternoon. Nah, my rest and recovery is sacred and I know that tonight will be my last chance to turn a not inconsiderable number of HiveFesters into Nzambis, who I am sure and convinced they must and need to be treated with my healing medicine asap.

So, once I exhaust all my darts soaked with my wonderful magic potion creator of consciousness, humility, generosity, solidarity and awareness of what is really important in life. I will not stop at all this mission of raising awareness through my hunting safari abroad for this year. So I will stay up all night hunting if necessary.

And hence, tomorrow Sunday, that's when I will leave them quiet and alone to sunbathe, burn or get soaked as much as they want on the boat trip with the rainwater, thunders and lightnings that they had previously been told would fall on them in these past few days while I was smiling making very good friends splashing under the sun in the sea in this venturous trip. So for now, the only thing I have left to tell you is...

¡Mission Accomplished!

¡Until next HiveFest safari folks!

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Cranky Gandalf
