Word Poetry Challenge #5. Beauty and madness

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photo credit: https://www.google.com/search?q=beauty+and+madness&prmd=visn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjfqLTb897bAhUMfH0KHbpqCg0Q_AUICigC&biw=361&bih=562#imgrc=VIaQQH5YKzaQqM:

"Beauty and Madness"

Beautiful flowers.
Happy as lovers.
Never betrayed.
Wedding might delayed.

Treasured memories.
Just like yesterdays.
World not ends.
Emotion unseen.

Beauty turns mad.
Happy makes sad.
Your happy, I cried.
You live, I died.

Never cared anymore.
Closed an open door.
You let me fall.
Now you make a hole.

Blinded by words.
I couldn't avoid the sword.
Didn't escape from beauty.
Madness is all in me.

Actually it's hard to make one like this kind of theme but I'm hoping you enjoyed it. Thank you