How to Display Your Steemit Feed on a Wordpress Site: Plugin Fixed

in #wordpress7 years ago (edited)

Good news for you Steemians: the plugin Steemit Feed for WordPress works again and is improved thanks to the generous contribution of @sergeybiryukov, a new Steemit member and a WordPress dev. You can see how the plugin works on my website. Note that you can filter your Steemit feed by tags leaving out the "internal" Steemit posts like this one.


You can download the updated plugin from GitHub.

The only problem which isn't yet fixed is incorrect post payout displayed (the numbers are smaller than the actual ones on new posts). The numbers come from the API, so if you know how to fix it, your help would be greatly appreciated.





The plugin was developed 10 months ago but stopped working after a WordPress upgrade. The original plugin author was contacted about the fixes.

UPDATE: the plugin author announced he will continue the plugin development. Please refer to him about further updates.

@sergeybiryukov is a WordPress committer who recently joined Steemit. He is a great man and a really good specialist. Please welcome him here!

The fix is a contribution to @kedjom-keku website, check out their ambitious project Water for Cameroon - Tree Planter Voting Bot.

Resteem to help this news reach more #wordpress fans on Steemit!

I'm a blogger, web designer, entrepreneur, world citizen and a father to seven. I write about personal development, design, ecommerce, WordPress.

Follow me | My intro | Related post: 5 Most Important Tools To Make Your Steemit Account Grow

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Good job! This is very cool - Might have to try it on one of my sites :)

Amazing post @ned. Thank you for sharing this with the community, I'm sure this will improve the am mount of people that are going to see stewing and register here with us.
Cheers and best of wishes from me friend 🍻

Thanks Goldie! I only wonder how did I become Ned. It flatters me of course by I'm not :)

Dangit I just paid $25 for a similar plugin! Erg!

This is great. Too late to upvote it since it's over 7 days...but I'll bookmark and follow.

Okay I'll upvote can I not upvote after leaving a comment?

A very useful "handbook" thx for being generous and sharing some tips. Father of seven? my oh my :D . Regardless Upvote for finding time :)

Congratulations @vitkolesnik!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:

  • Pending payout - Ranked 10 with $ 1054,83

Thanks a lot!

That is so awesome! Keep up the good work getting information out there!!

This post received a 1.4% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @vitkolesnik! For more information, click here!

Very nice and explanatory NOW CLICK THE UPVOTE !!!!

good info , thank you

Plugin is working better than the one I paid $25 for, good job guys! Now we just need to figure out how to get some new features built in, any wordpress/php devs around and willing? :p

Check it out!

Great news! Maybe @wordpress-tips could help out? He is the original author and he recently announced he will continue the development.

Es un placer que les gusten mis post, que pase buen dia.

Amazing post @feroz. Thank you for sharing this with the community, I'm sure this will improve the am mount of people that are going to see stewing and register here with us.
Cheers and best of wishes from me friend 🍻

very helpful post. thank you for sharing
I am @amdinesh

This is very helpfull, it will attract more viewers in my page and also will be a good advertisement for steemit


Thank you so much. You are great. I guess latest in two weeks it will appear on our new website.

You're welcome! Say thanks to @sergeybiryukov, he's a Wordpress genius)

sure, sending many thanks to you @sergeybiryukov

WOW. Thanks, yes I do, a very interesting interview, am listening to it.

Thanks, I was looking for a plugin already.

You have seven kids? I have one and that is already taking a lot of time. ;)

Yeah, the elder ones are already big enough to take care about themlselves :)

Thanks I really need this for my wordpress site!

You're welcome! The original plugin author has just wrote that he will continue support and updates.

Oh that is so cool!

wow, whale hit like a boss 🐋

Very cool! I'll have to try it out on my sites for sure.

Thanks very much @vitkolesnik!

Glad to help! Welcome @sergeybiryukov to Steemit, it's his first contribution to the community!

Awesome guys. Upvoted and resteemed

This is SICK! Looks great, judging from the picks. I'll test it soon for sure. THANKS!

This is really helpful! THX

Fantastic! With so many websites running on wordpress this plugin is going to create a great opportunity, not only to display steemit feeds but also to bring a ton of new people to steemit.

That's amazing! I think this is a great solution for many of us with another external webpage :)

This is what Steeimt it about, helping each other!)

Couldn't agree more! Thanks for sharing ^^

Cool, I was just wondering about this!

please feel free to join me on whaleshares discord. I'd like to talk to you about some stuff. :)

Hey, This is great @vitkolesnik glad I came across your post. I missed your introduceyourself post so I'll up vote and follow from this one. Read your intro and wow, 7 kids? You look kind of young for so many. God has blessed you. You'll have to share the family photo if you can corral them all. Looking for more knowledgeable posts in the future. I'll have to go back and read your earlier ones. Anyhow, belated welcome to Steemit.


Thank you @sighmanjestah! Hope I'll manage to get them all at home someday for a photo session)

Thank you for sharing this post with all of us and thanks to all the developers and contributors of that WP plugin! Your work is highly appreciated and valued!

Very helpful

nice suggestion witkolesnik, check out my post I think you will like it

Great news! I work with Wordpress and this is great news!
Thanks for sharing!

You're welcome!

Thanks for this info. it will help a newbie like me here

Great post..thanks for your effort...its really helpful

You're welcome @bibek!

Thank you :))

thank you for news

Thank you. Will put it up on my Wordpress Site :)

thank you thank you thank you thank you...

Glad to help! :)

the one thing i have discovered on this platform is the geniuses like you :)

Thank you good information

Hi all, the plugin has been officially updated. You can find the latest version at

Thanks for the news! Glad you will continue the plugin development.

You're welcome. I will release another update later this week with some extra fixes.

@vitkolesnik, I appreciate your work on spreading the news for this plugin, but next time you write an article about the plugin, please link back to the original Steemit article of the official plugin. A mention would be greatly appreciated.

No problem! I've updated this post with the links to both your original article and the new one. Good luck with the development!

Thank you. :)

good job bro thanks for sharing

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