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RE: dTube: NJ Cops Search Man's Anus & Genitals for Weed During Traffic Stop

in #world6 years ago

jury duty a few months ago for a possession of marijuana case. the prosecutor actually had the balls to stand up and ask us in the jury box, 'Do you need see actual physical evidence the evidence had possession in order to convict?' Half of us who were like, 'fuck can you expect us to convict w/out evidence?' were dismissed.

In the end, the ones who were eventually selected were mostly old white ladies that were jumping at the chance to shout guilty. Cuz you know, they grew up in the 'just say no to drugs' era.


Wow. You should contact your local media and talk about that. How can somebody be dismissed from jury duty for expecting proof of a crime. That is a scandal. It also raises questions about what that prosecutor considers to be their job. Do they simply want to win regardless of proof?
How many innocent people end up in prison because of scumbag public officials like that one?!?