Close down of the Yapei bridge...

in #worry6 years ago

So I recieved a call this morning from a brother who set of from Tamale yesterday in the evening for Accra that he has arrived as at 4am..... Woow I said to myself because looking back like some few days or weeks ago moving from the north down south became one big hell of a thing.... I remember having to sit in a bus for almost a day because we had to use the eastern corridor passing through ACCRA – TEMA – HOHOE - JASIKAN – NKWANTA – OTI DAMANKO – BIMBILA – YENDI. This was the vice versa cause I was moving from the north..
There were other options like using the ferry to cross the yapie river before continuing your simply had to choose what suits you. The road of the eastern corridor was nothing to write home about. It has been totally abandoned and this same road would have been great for transportation since it seemed shorter... Communities along looked as if no one lived there... I was like hey do people stay here when I saw some one or two families. During my travel the people sitted in the bus seemed to be keeping it cool until they couldn't hold it back again and started to criticize our authorities and how much money they spend on unnecessary things instead of building the nation.. I just listened as they argued amongst themselves.. I realised how the bad shape of the yapei bridge could cause such panic amongst people who use it... Buh funny enough the bridge was left unconstructed in about a week after it was closed and recently done within some few days because of Christmas approaching. My question is how many more years or months do we have to undergo another construction of the bridge ?.... Cnt tell how well it was constructed buh time will definitely tell....