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RE: Bad WWE Decisions Series #1 - Breaking Up Enzo and Big Cass

in #wrestling7 years ago

I personally think Enzo has a bright future.

As a manager. Imagine him on the outside of the ring, egging on opponents, distracting them, etc. Doing all the stuff a good manager does.

This is something WWE once had in spades but now has lost all that side entertainment for whatever reason. Look at Paul Heyman. He has helped guys like Brock Lesnar quite a bit over the years. Letting Lesnar focus on being intimidating without having to talk. Silence can be more powerful than words. Just look at the early days of Bill Goldberg and how people still talk about the streak and such.

Enzo could maybe handle a stable of guys and gals. He could be the second coming of the Godfather gimmick but on a children's level.

His feud with Big Cass is just highlighting his lack of ability. They want Big Cass to be a bad guy they should have reversed roles. EnO should have 'been troubled' over the breakup and went on his day on 205 Live or something and Big Cass constantly interfering for a few months, setting up a 'surprise' at a major PPV with Big Show coming out to help Enzo. Instead we get Big Show being made to look no better than Enzo against Cass.

Such a. Wasted opportunity.