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RE: The 321 Incident

in #writinglast year

Yippee!! So proud of you, and impressed by you! Go Mark!
Your latest novel on the 321 incident was excellent. Such a skillful weaving of humanizing dialogue and stories, suspenseful plot twists, intriguing explorations of consciousness, political corruption, and thought-provoking concepts pointing to real solutions and possibilities when it comes to systemic change. This is no easy task. If you ask me, you went out with a bang in terms of your writing objective!

Is the title you settled on The 321 Incident? And I'm definitely curious about what the art work will look like for this novel.

Also, I didn't know that you were working on a sequel to your other novel when 321 came along!


Thank you! Yes, the provisional title is The 321 Incident. I'm not totally attached to this. If you have a better title, now's the time to say so: )

It's true that I set aside another book to write this one. For every two novels I complete, there's a half-finished work waiting to be picked back up at some point in the future.