Got my first Splinterlands legendary foil card on Christmas day!

in #writing2 years ago

I got a nice Christmas gift from Splinterlands on Christmas day. :)
A legendary foil worth around $260!

The card itself is only worth around $20, but... With the foil it sure increased the value!
Instead of trying to sell it I think I'll keep it in my deck... That one card alone more than doubled my power which allows me to play higher ranked games and get more rewards and it's been helping me in high mana battles as well, plus it's just a really cool looking card too!

I've only bought 21 booster packs so far which looks like it's come out to around $84, and then I got another legendary two days before Christmas worth $10 and a number of other epics and uncommons that have some value.
So... That pull alone made my booster pack investment more than worth it!

I only opened two packs on Christmas and that was my last pack that I planned on buying and I was actually thinking about focusing on buying individual cards instead because I had got quite a few packs in a row that didn't have much and then I was like... "Okay, this is the last one unless I get an epic card or legendary" and, wow... Now I'm probably going to buy at least a few more packs, heh.

What a cool and fun experience and so neat that it happened on Christmas as well!
I remember also thinking shortly before this happened how cool it would be to get a dragon card!

And then... Not only did I get a dragon card, but... It's a foil legendary one. :D
The Chaos Dragon! Rar!



Santa came to your home and granted your wish, he already has what you wanted, he has a legendary letter, I'm happy for you

Lol. Yeah, sort of I guess... I mean, I had some other wishes that are much stronger, but it was cool to get a neat card that's worth some money! :)
Thanks for your happiness! :D